View Full Version : Gunshots?

Gary Wilson
June 26th, 2004, 01:28 AM
Hello, I am making a film with these airsoft guns deisnged to look like colt pistols, and so I need to get one or a few single shot sound files for the gun shots, and I of course want this as realistic as possible. Free would always be best, but realism is most important. If anyone can help me, that would be great. Thanks!

Oleg Kaizerman
June 26th, 2004, 01:56 PM
what about to record in the spot , if you deside to do thet place 2 mikes ( dynamics will be fine for close range ) with fee mitters between them ( the first one at least 3-4 miters from the gun)
each mike will give different sound and you could choose the best for you

Richard Alvarez
June 26th, 2004, 04:06 PM
Not sure you want "real" sounds... as they usually are to sharp for movie goers tastes... Not enough echo and decay. SFX records and files will probablby do the trick. Do a google search for free sound effects.

Short of finding a ready made file... go to your local firing range and ask for permission to stand in the back and record. Doesn't get much cheaper than that.

Barring that... and assuming you don't have access to guns, starting pistols or fire crackers on your own... try the old backstage sound effect.

Take a three foot section of 1x6. Hold the top edge in your hand and the bottom edge on the floor. Rest your foot against the bottom like it's resting on a gas pedal. Simultaneously push down with your foot as you release the top. The board will SLAP down with a sharp, VERY loud crack... assuming you are doing this on a concrete or wooden surface of course. Carpet just isn't the same. This is an old fashioned way of getting gunshots from the theatre.

Good luck.