View Full Version : adding a DVX-100a

Michael Best
June 25th, 2004, 07:12 AM
I would really like to add a DVX. I have two XL1s' and was wondering if I could have this make sense. Reasoning would
be three cameras if the DVX is run in a similar mode as the
XL's, a different look for say one aspect of a wedding, and
24p for stand alone projects. Foolish?

Zack Birlew
June 25th, 2004, 09:29 AM
Well, if you were to shoot with the DVX100 in 60i or whatever (regular video, not special frame modes or 24p modes), then the sharpness would differ quite a bit between the XL1's sharpness. The DVX is more of a sharp camera and the XL1 is more of a soft camera, know what I mean?

Michael Best
June 25th, 2004, 10:14 AM
I sure do but I'm truly drawn to the camera and am trying
to make it 'fit in' somehow, even if used stand alone. There
is no denying the fanfare, I love the Canon's and am not
looking to replace them, just 'add to' for increased creative
options. Used together I do see color temperature issues
but I don't see why you couldn't use it for a different look
during a wedding, and use it for stand alone projects with
the 24p.

Zack Birlew
June 25th, 2004, 10:27 AM
Oh, I'm sorry I must have misunderstood your first post. You can do just that. Go standalone DVX100a or use it for other stuff, it's your choice. But yeah, you can mix and match'em if you want for different looks, but you should make sure that your clients will be okay with that if you use it for weddings as well. If they don't, then just use the DVX100a for other ptojects no biggie. =D