View Full Version : VX2100 video example

George Ellis
June 18th, 2004, 09:31 AM
I finally got a website that gives me 5GB a day. So, I have started posting things. Since there is always the stray question about performance, I thought I would post a link. I think the data rate is around 500kbps for the wmv, so there is some detail lost. In the "Welcome to WinHEC" part, there was a little gain grain, but it was almost dark (top of the Space Needle). The 'night club' stuff is in the Experience Music Project.

Gabriel Selmi
June 18th, 2004, 01:31 PM
I have a 2100 and am totally amazed at what you could do with! Very cool and entertaining videos that you have made. I hope you get a chance to show more. After viewing the videos I would like to know what you use for the audio? Do you use a mic or portable DAT or camera mic? The sound is real nice.

George Ellis
June 18th, 2004, 04:28 PM
Thanks Gabriel. For that video, I was travelling light, so I used the onboard audio. It does pretty well for run and gun ;)

Normally, I use a Beachtek DXA-8 and A-T 835-ST mic (examples are at The audio on the Spirit videos is with the Beachtek and A-T. I am still trying to sort out an issue with a light crackle, but part of it is that they are LOUD.

Some of the video on the Spirit page are from a Sony TRV520 (all of the Collins Hill stuff is). The Glidecam and "above" shots are on the 520.

Glen Elliott
June 18th, 2004, 10:02 PM
What kind of event IS that?! Btw, is that really the guy from the Cure?

Jake Sawyer
June 18th, 2004, 11:11 PM
Good video! Thanks. I was looking for a video made by the VX. So, if you had a choice, would you get a VX or a GL2?

George Ellis
June 19th, 2004, 07:06 AM
Jake - I got the VX2100 just for situations like this, band competitions under the lights at night, and shooting candids of the band in the stands. From what I understand, the GL2 does not have the low light performance. I have not compared them.

Glen - WinHEC is the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference run be Microsoft. This year it was in Seattle. When MS runs events like this, they always have participant party. This year's was at the Experience Music Project near the Needle.

No, that was not Robert Smith. That is the Cure cover band, Fascination Street (I just looked them up I thought they were rather good. This may not be correct, but they may be MS employees as a few of the bands there were (MS employees).

Jim Giles
June 27th, 2004, 04:08 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by George Ellis : I finally got a website that gives me 5GB a day. So, I have started posting things. -->>>
Who hosts your website?