View Full Version : Speed Effect?
Shaggy Franks June 17th, 2004, 05:02 PM Hi,
I saw a Music Video today with a interesting effect.
All the Motion was very quick but the Voice and Lip and Hands/finger Movement was in sync.
I was wondering how that is done, is it a NLE effect, Camera setting?
Or do just behave normal except for the Vocal and Instrument movement, and then speed up the Film to sync?
Keith Loh June 17th, 2004, 05:17 PM Did it look like the singer was part of the background? The singer could have been composited in.
Harsh manual method: singer lip synchs to a slowed down version of the song. Painstaking!
Shaggy Franks June 17th, 2004, 05:22 PM No, the Singer was also a Part of this effect.
First I thought they might just some kinda a effect (which I don't know) maybe to remove some frames. to give it that jumpy look?
Keith Loh June 17th, 2004, 06:20 PM Can you remember the title of the video?
Don Palomaki June 17th, 2004, 07:04 PM Note that good audio edting software can stretch sound while preserving pitch. This could speed up the sound with out changing he pitch. Could be coupled with speed-up video.
Scott Balkum June 17th, 2004, 08:16 PM This is a simple concept. They play back the song very slowly when filming. The singer sings to the slow song. When the music is played back at normal speed, the singer is "accelerated" while singing normally.
Rob Onekea June 18th, 2004, 02:30 AM I've used this effect many times and for the effect I think you're looking for, I saw it in a Linkin Park video with a girl moving relatively slow and everyone else whizzing by... I believe that was probably green screened, slow shutter for the crowd, and probably 60fps while shooting the female slo-mo....
my thought..
Adam Burtle June 27th, 2004, 04:25 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Scott Balkum : This is a simple concept. They play back the song very slowly when filming. The singer sings to the slow song. When the music is played back at normal speed, the singer is "accelerated" while singing normally. -->>>
Yep, i've used this too, works very well. Trick is getting the lip synch right on.
Saving private ryan also had a lot of shots done at half speed and then sped up to give it a chaotic feel, iirc
Darko Flajpan June 28th, 2004, 12:53 AM One of my talents was walking and singing backwards...very hard,very effective and...unusual?
Larry Hill June 28th, 2004, 10:11 PM The reverse effect is also used: I saw a behind-the-scenes documentary on a Faith Hill video where the audio playback was sped up as was the camera frame rate. When played back at normal speed , she appeared to be singing in normal time while the background scene moved in slow motion - making for an appealing effect.
Miguel Lombana June 29th, 2004, 09:00 AM I'm wondering if he's thinking of an effect that is used a lot in post where portions of the video are sped up to get from point a to point b in 3/4 or 1/2 the time?
I know that I've seen it done a lot on edisodes of Survivor where they are flying over the team camp or the ocean and then suddenly the camera shot seems to slide 3 miles in 2 seconds.
There is a High Definintion Video clip on the Microsoft download page for Media 9 called "Coral Reef" that does this type of effect.
I've tried it a couple of times, but my footage it never quite as ellegant so it does not seem to lend itself to what I'm doing.
I know that a lot of video houses for music video post tend to re-use the same effects over and over and time slipping is really hot right now and has been for a while (remember the 80's where every MTV video had to have smoke machines for no reason at all!).
Best I can determine, simple clip speed adjustments and a couple of track layers with varied speeds and objects.