View Full Version : conversion to mpeg2 = loss of sync...

Philippe Gosselin
June 15th, 2004, 07:46 PM
Hi all,

just tried to convert my project into a mpeg2 file so i can put it in DVDA and burn it.

Well i lose sync and also the picture doesn't lose quality but rapid movement are replace with ugly lines ( i think interlaced is the right word).

Any idea.

thx a bunch

ps: ultimately all i want is to burn my project on a dvd, is there an easy and quick way to do this ie: pinnacle with "click here to burn".

Edward Troxel
June 15th, 2004, 07:54 PM
What template are you using? Sounds like you are using the wrong one. I haven't seen any sync issues. I have seen the ugly lines on fast movement issue but only when the "quality" slider was below the max setting of 31.

Edward Troxel
June 15th, 2004, 07:56 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Philippe Gosselin : ps: ultimately all i want is to burn my project on a dvd, is there an easy and quick way to do this ie: pinnacle with "click here to burn". -->>>

Actually, yes there is. Just render the whole thing out to a DV-AVI file and use that in DVDA. It will take care of all of the rendering headaches for you. If you go to the optimize page, you may need to lower the bitrate slider depending on how long the video is.

Philippe Gosselin
June 15th, 2004, 07:58 PM
Thx Edward,

My project is 15min, so how low should i lower it.

Any reason why the for the low bitrate.


Edward Troxel
June 15th, 2004, 08:04 PM
For 15 minutes, you wouldn't have to make any changes.

Rob Lohman
June 16th, 2004, 02:36 AM
Regarding interlacing: in what where you watching the MPEG
file? Windows Media Player does not know anything about
de-interlacing. A software DVD player does.

Is your project interlaced? If so the MPEG will usually be interlaced
as well (what you want). If your footage is progressive then
something went wrong with the settings somewhere.

But if you are going to follow Edwards solution to just drop the
DV AVI file into DVDA then I think it should automatically do the
right thing in this case.

Philippe Gosselin
June 18th, 2004, 02:38 PM
Ok so ,

when i render in avi file the video is crispy clean except for the bmp file that i put at the beginning and end of my project, they appear kind of blocky , even if those image are of high res

when i render in mpeg2 file the video is clean and nice , the bmp files are clean as well but the audio is still a little bit out of sync , even after following Ed's advice.

Any suggestions


ps: thx Rob for the info.

Rob Lohman
June 19th, 2004, 04:39 AM
Are you 100% sure the audio is in sync to begin with?

Philippe Gosselin
June 19th, 2004, 01:11 PM
Yes , my project is synchro.


Rob Lohman
June 20th, 2004, 05:05 AM
Have you tried this?

Render out to DV AVI or Uncompressed. Still in sync? Start a new
project and load up the file. Compress that to MPEG.

What MPEG2 settings are you using? Any chance you might be
doing framerate conversion by accident?

Philippe Gosselin
June 20th, 2004, 08:35 PM
Hi Rob,

No i haven't tried your method but will sure give it a try.

When i render to mpeg2 i use the default settings. I don't touch nothing.

Also , i wrote that the jpeg file is not rendered properly , this is not true.

This morning i said to myself "the hell with it" and rendered and burn my project to a dvd. Turns out that when watching the dvd the jpeg portion is cripy and beautiful

thx for your help

PS: when is "LadyX 2" project will start , i'd love to participate.

See ya

Graham Bernard
June 21st, 2004, 12:00 AM
Philippe - Okay, are you now saying that what you SAW was not the fully finished reneder? But now having "seen" the fully finished render on a DVD player everything is fine/okay/good? If this is the case at what point were you seeing these issues? Prior to rendering? During rendering> In DVDA Preview? Where or rather at what point of the DVDA process? But noiw you can see all is well! . . Excellent! Please answer the questions, it will help me and others too! Yeah?


Rob Lohman
June 21st, 2004, 02:23 AM
Philippe: leaving everything to default might not be the correct
way. Go into the settings/options and check things like framerate
etc. I'm not sure everything matches per default. Especially
interlaced / progressive settings.

Never ever use default unless you have thoroughly checked the
template (or any template for that matter). Such things are not
magic settings!