View Full Version : Beyerdynamic MCE86 vs K6/ME66

Raoul Perros
June 11th, 2004, 04:56 AM
Hi All,

I am about to buy a mic and gottold/offered by a salesmann of the shop that the Beyerdynamic MCE86 beats the ME66 in a lot of tests and is even cheaper.

Has anyone got experience with the Beyerdynamic MCE86 or the ME66, or both?

What is the difference? The Beyerdynamic is not a module add on system like the K6 series, does this mean it might only be cheaper now, but in future I will have to pay more for other single mics?

Any thoughts, comments and advice much appreciated!


Douglas Spotted Eagle
June 11th, 2004, 06:37 AM
I've no experience with the MCE86, but I'd find that a difficult comment to accept. While I'm no huge fan of the ME66, I'm also more prone to accept the 66 first.
Beyer's forte has never been narrowband or shotgun mics, and over all their quality has dropped significantly from what it was 10 years ago.
Was at Sweetwater the other day, did another short comparison of the 66, Azden, and 897, and I keep walking away loving the 897's sound. Not as robust, but far more smooth and warm.

Bryan Beasleigh
June 11th, 2004, 11:39 AM
"I am about to buy a mic and gottold/offered by a salesmann of the shop that the Beyerdynamic MCE86 beats the ME66 in a lot of tests and is even cheaper."

If there are tests, I've never found them and I've looked high and low. Beyer actually declined sending a test mic for this review and it's done by a very legitimate group and not some fly by night reviewer. Remember a "salesman" told you this.

To compare specs look at the Rycote database. Specs are not everything but the sennheiser is the clear winner so far as they are concerned. The beyer is shown as a very low outpout, high self noise microphone. There is also a very strange boost from 3 to 15K with a gap around 8-9K. The ME66 has a smooth presence peak between5 and 12 K.
You have to regester but it's free and worth while