View Full Version : What Mini DV tapes do you use?

Dave Perry
June 10th, 2004, 04:46 AM
I've primarily been using Maxell DVM60SE mini DV tapes in my ZR 40, Optura XI, and TRV 950. I started using them mainly because I can get them $24/6 pack at Sam's Club.

Are these tapes as good as anything else? I've been told it's best to stick to one brand and the same model. Are there PRO grade tapes I should consider or are these PRO grade? What other tapes are some of you using?

Thanks, dp

Michael Wisniewski
June 10th, 2004, 10:21 AM
I use Fuji Film DVC tapes ( Mainly because that's all I used in my still camera - so I just stuck with them when I started using MiniDV.

Ray Echevers
June 20th, 2004, 09:09 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Michael Wisniewski : I use Fuji Film DVC tapes ( Mainly because that's all I used in my still camera - so I just stuck with them when I started using MiniDV. -->>>

I'm pretty sure those are the exact ones i've been using.
I get them for about $3 each at my work.(employee discount)

Josh Brusin
June 20th, 2004, 09:57 AM
Fuji's are great when they're on clearance at Target. As are any tapes on clearance anywhere...

I have had one problem with Sony's red label tapes... I don't use sony anymore.

I LOVE the softer opaque plastic cases with TDK tapes and would gladly stick to those.... no problems with the tape either.

Chris Sebes
June 29th, 2004, 01:38 PM
I've read that the Fuji tapes are among the better brands and have been using them exclusively in my Sony VX2100. About 10 hours of taping and no problems yet. (knock on wood)


Derrick Ellis
July 29th, 2004, 01:09 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Dave Perry : I've primarily been using Maxell DVM60SE mini DV tapes in my ZR 40, Optura XI, and TRV 950. I started using them mainly because I can get them $24/6 pack at Sam's Club.

Are these tapes as good as anything else? I've been told it's best to stick to one brand and the same model. Are there PRO grade tapes I should consider or are these PRO grade? What other tapes are some of you using?

Thanks, dp -->>>


I use these same Maxell tapes for the same reason (cost) and haven't had any problems in my ZR70 or Optura 20 in the past year. I'll be buying a GL2 soon and have considered switching to a "btter" tape if I find a valid reason. I'm sure there must be some othe rMaxell usersd out there with opinions.

Dave Perry
July 29th, 2004, 04:09 PM
Thanks Derrick. Maybe some others will post on this subject as well.

Dennis Vogel
July 29th, 2004, 08:03 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Dave Perry : What other tapes are some of you using? -->>>
Panasonic AY-DVM63PQ

Dennis Vogel

Steven Davis
August 3rd, 2004, 06:25 AM
I use the Maxell Tapes from Sam's as well. I've never had a consistent issue with the tapes. Everyone once in a while, I'll throw a new one in my palm cam, and it'll get eaten, but that's only happened twice the 3 years I've owned it. Like the original dude of this thread said, their 24 bucks for 6 at Sams Club. Decent price.

Robert J. Wolff
August 3rd, 2004, 07:29 AM
My experience is strickly with Sony. Over the last 3 years, I have never had a problem.

Josh. Were you working in extremely humid conditions, at the time you had a problem?

Clint Comer
September 21st, 2004, 02:56 PM
I too buy the 6 pack at Sam's and they were recommended to me by an instructor/friend and that is what uses as well. However I too am wanting to know if there is a better one for Canon's cameras.

Rob Henegar
September 24th, 2004, 03:37 PM
Only Sony Premium DVM60PR3's. Never have issues with them at all.

David Bermejo
September 25th, 2004, 07:41 PM
I use Sony Premiums and Maxell

Ray Echevers
September 25th, 2004, 08:12 PM
Now with my VX1000 and HC-20, i use Sony Premiums. (sold the 2100)

Jason Watt
October 24th, 2004, 11:11 AM
I started using Sony Premiums but then moved to the Excellence line as Sony says it's the highest of their prosumer line tapes.

For those on the thread using Sony tapes any thoughts on which is better?

Also I just went to the Sony Digital master website
( and they also offer in DVCAM and MiniDV their "Digital Master" tapes.

Has anyone used these and if so, I welcome any thoughts on them as well.

I have an upcoming shoot in which we'll be using multiple cameras (2 XL1's, PD 150, DVX100, 2 Lipstick cams) for use on a show being pitched for broadcast use.


Matt Irwin
October 25th, 2004, 11:04 AM
I use Panasonic DVC tapes in my XL1. I've used Fuji before, and they are also a solid brand.

I steer clear of TDK and Sony. TDK is slightly thinner and seems more prone to dropouts. Sony tapes use a wet lubricant that tends to gum up non-Sony cameras and decks (however in Sony cams, they rock).

John Mayes
November 8th, 2004, 05:11 PM
Been using Panasonic Master quality 63 and 83 minute tapes. Great quality never a problem so far.

Jesse Bekas
November 9th, 2004, 10:59 AM
I just started using the MQ's because for some reason they were cheap ($6.00?) at B&H last week (not online, but in the store), but I've used everything from regular Fuji's, TDK's, and Maxell's to Sony Excellence (well only one of those @ $14!), and now the Panny MQs. I never had a drop out or artifacting from any of them, so I'd say the cheaper the better. The only thing to avoid is longer length tapes becuase the longer the tape the less tensile strength it will have.

Zander Taketomo
December 9th, 2004, 03:56 PM
in my sony vx1000 and sony vx2100 all ive used has been sony premiums and excellence, i use each tape about 50/50. i figure since i have sony camcorders sony tapes should work the best. ive never had a dropout/glitch/problem in general ever. the only problem that ive had was in my vx1000 while it forces you to eject the tape yet i know how to fix the problem and its common in older cameras such as itself. id definately stay with either sony's or fuji's

Glen Elliott
December 10th, 2004, 02:11 PM
If your shooting professionally (for profit) you should be using something other than consumer grade tapestock. Just my .02

John Lee
December 22nd, 2004, 10:16 AM
I've used only Fuji DVC in my GL2. I borrowed an XL1s for an extended period of time which was only to be fed Sony Excellence tapes.

I've shot probably 20 tapes with my GL2, never ever had a problem.

I shot around 60 Sony Excellences with the XL1s, also never had any dropouts. However, I did get one tape that made noise. I think it was a manufacturing defect. But it was embarassing, because I used the XL1s for pro use, and the GL2 for personal use.

We were in the middle of an interview and I had just put another Sony Excellence in, and it kept squeaking. I replaced it with another tape, have never had a problem since.

I love Fuji because you can get them for $3. The cheapest I can buy Sony Excellence for is $7.50.