View Full Version : Has any Director from here gone BIG?

Gavin Thomas
June 6th, 2004, 02:23 PM
hi there,
i was wondering, has anyone from here who has directed their own movie(s) ever gone BIG and done proper films? like real directors. Can it be done? can someone like me for example make a couple of production movies and end up doing proper productions as a Real Director?

Thanks for reading.

Richard Alvarez
June 6th, 2004, 08:40 PM
Most directors start somewhere... whether or not its "the bottom" is rather subjective. Someone like Ridley Scott for instance, started in commercials, then his first feature film was 'The Duellists" which won the Palm D'Orr in Cannes back in... '74 I think.

Commercials, music videos, shorts are the way to learn the chops, and earn your spurs. Even in the short forms, there are low end and high end projects. The rate at which you advance depends on a LOT of factors... not the least of which is talent, luck and circumstances (Who you know, where you live...etc.)

There is no "Path" to success short of persistence. No clear cut dance step that will guarantee you make it BIG

Whatever you percieve that to be.

Michael Struthers
June 7th, 2004, 09:08 PM
Define "big".

You can direct an independent feature and still be broke. It's the scripts that will make or break your career.

Gavin Thomas
June 8th, 2004, 02:20 AM
define "big" ok, by BIG i mean make some small movies like what we do and went and directed real movies that go in proper production and screen in cinemas allover, thats what i mean by big.
