View Full Version : Greetings DVi Community

Thorma Crawford
June 4th, 2004, 10:49 AM
Hi Folks,

Newbee here. I dont even own a cam (yet). Was reading on and a forumite referenced this site. Thanks for being here and sharing. I look forward to learning and growing.

I have not had much (any) experience operating cameras - but - i have served as the "project coordinator" for a indie filmmaker in DC for the past two years. I helped organize research and development recordings - all of which were done on DV (XL1 and PD150). Then I volunteered with another organization that does all their work on DV.

I thought it was time to get my feet wet and maybe start a business of this on my own (my budget) which is being financed by a friend is kinda small - and I know I need to get everything - cam, lights, battery, mic etc.

Since this was a startup loan - I told him that I could swing two ways 1chip or 3 c(hip) :)

I didn't want to press the guys pockets - so I'm leaning for everybody favorite "puffed plastic" the dvc7. I plan on doing events, weddings, interviews, etc. (to get started) and as I gain experience - hey maybe even a feature (keep your eyes open:)) - I worked for the NYFF as an usher for two years and saw some indie stuff there that relied heavy on content and the audience forgave the tech (downside). So for starts I feel positive regarding the panasonic.

There is a lot more I want to say - this site really excites me and I feel like I've just gotten medical coverage (including vision/dental) with a mouth full of cavities and that I'm really going to use the insurance. :)

DOn't know how many got that - what I'm saying is that this is a great resource and I am very thankful to be a part of this community and I plan to make you all proud :)

more soon...

Rob Lohman
June 4th, 2004, 10:58 AM
Good to have you with us Thorma! Welcome aboard.

Thorma Crawford
June 4th, 2004, 11:41 AM
Thanks Rob...I'm in the dentist's chair now

Joe Carney
June 7th, 2004, 03:34 PM
Welcome, there is a growing group of people interested in independent features and shorts in the DC area. Welcome aboard.