View Full Version : Strange thing happening in Vegas !!!
Philippe Gosselin June 3rd, 2004, 11:42 PM Hi all,
Ok so i will try to be crystal clear so that everybody that reads this thread will understand,, here it goes:
1: i have a segment that has 2 transition in it , 1st one is an IRIS and 2nd one is a ZOOM.
2: When i click on the properties of the ZOOM i get the properties of the IRIS , even though in the title of the properties it says: ZOOM
Any idea why this is happening.
Thx a bunch
Rob Lohman June 4th, 2004, 02:14 AM Which version of Vegas are you using (be a specific as you can,
including a, b or c version etc.). If you have the possability to
post a screenshot on a site somewhere of the timeline with the
two transitions please do. Otherwise you can e-mail me a jpeg
and I'll host it for you.
Douglas Spotted Eagle June 4th, 2004, 12:03 PM How is it you have two transitions occuring at the same time on one clip? unless you have an outgoing and incoming (head/tail?)
Philippe Gosselin June 4th, 2004, 12:25 PM HI Douglas,
The two transitions are not happening at the same time , one is at the beginning of the event and the other one at the end.
I sent the screenshot to Rob , we'll see what he thinks of it later.
Thx for your time.
Dennis Vogel June 4th, 2004, 03:00 PM Is there any chance the clip was extended and is looping? I recently had some wierd things happen when I tried to put a transition between two events that were merely abutted (instead of overlapping). I forget the details but Vegas extended the first clip (thus causing the first few seconds to loop). Perhaps a transition at the start of your clip is being looped at the end?
Just a shot in the dark.
Let us know what it was when you figure it out.
Dennis Vogel
Philippe Gosselin June 5th, 2004, 12:32 AM HI Denis,
Well the the segment is a static one that i have extended over a period of time
The transition do not step on another segment they are really at the beginning and the end of the same segment.
Hope this clear things up a bit
Rob Lohman June 5th, 2004, 04:54 AM I've put the screenshot up: click here (
Edward Troxel June 5th, 2004, 07:04 AM I'm sorry but in that picture I'm seeing the zoom options in the zoom dialog. The Iris options look totally different that that screenshot.
Dennis Vogel June 5th, 2004, 01:23 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Philippe Gosselin : HI Denis,
Well the the segment is a static one that i have extended over a period of time
This cause the looping I was describing, won't it?
The transition do not step on another segment they are really at the beginning and the end of the same segment.
How do you have a transition with no other events to transition from and to? I can't tell from the screenshot you posted but it looks like you have just one event. With looping this will possibly cause strange behavior as I described above, no? Or am I missing the boat completely?
Dennis Vogel
Philippe Gosselin June 5th, 2004, 02:59 PM HI Ed and Denis
Ok so in the screenshot,
you see
a: the title of the properties is ZOOM
b: if i click anywhere in the keyframe area the cursor moves to that spots , in the jpeg you can tell that the cursor on the timeline is at the same spot as the one on the timeline, thus giving the impression that it is actually the properties of the IRIS we are looking at.
c: Don't be fooled by the square look of the effect in the preview window because i set the iris effect to be square.
I don't have enough knowledge to know if a segment with a 0 velocity will equal the same as a loop.
Indeed the transition won't carry over another event, that is because i want it to stop when the transition is half done.
Well if you want to replicate the problem here's what idid first.
1: Use a backgound , i used a normal jpeg
2: put an event over it
3: put a velocity enveloppe to make to event stop after X seconds.
4: Put a IRIS transition that comes in (at thebeginning of the event), square shape.
5: drop a "zoom out top left" transition at the end of the event
Thx to all for their time
Philippe Gosselin June 5th, 2004, 03:28 PM I just wanted to add that the only thing i want to do is that the transition will stop halfway though and will remain that way until the end of the whole event.
Philippe Gosselin June 5th, 2004, 03:39 PM I'm beginning to realise that the transition way might not be the right way .
I just want the end result to be that an image comes in over a background picture.
The event is a "live" one and after a time stops.
The event will then move to the top left corner , occupying only 1/4 of the image
while moving there it will shrink so that at the end we still see the event but frozen and a 1/4 of it's original size
thank you
Edward Troxel June 5th, 2004, 06:47 PM If you want to stop a transition, use a Transition Envelope.
However, I think I see what you are getting at. You are looking at the preview screen while clicking on the timeline. However, the timeline isn't as long as the actual event because you have looped the event. But this is not the way to hold the transition. Instead, add a Transition Envelope to the transition itself and adjust the points as needed to hold the transition. The big problem is the looped event.
Philippe Gosselin June 7th, 2004, 10:39 AM Hi Edward,
So do you mean a velocity enveloppe , because i have yet to find something called a transition enveloppe. Remember i am using version 4 here , maybe in 5 they added a transition enveloppe.
So looks like the loop event is the problem , how is it so?.
Could somebody tell me about limitation of loop events , i did't even i had a looped event before Edward and the others told me about it on this thread.
Thx a bunch
Edward Troxel June 7th, 2004, 10:56 AM Yes, transition envelopes were added in Vegas 5.
Yes, looping is your problem. This is a result of the timeline in the transition window being much shorter than the actual time it is on the timeline. Say the event is 5 seconds long but it is now looped to cover 15 seconds. When you open the transition dialog, the timeline is only 5 seconds long so you can't click anywhere in the last 15 seconds. But this doesn't matter because....
You are also mistaken on WHAT you are seeing. The "timeline" in the transition screen is the LENGTH OF THE TRANSITION - and NOT the length of the event. Even though the timeline cursor may be moving to the beginning of the event when you click on the timeline, you are actually setting keyframes based on the beginning of the transition.
Philippe Gosselin June 7th, 2004, 11:07 AM Hi Edward,
The lenght of the timeline in the transition screen is the lenght of the FIRST transition not the second one on the event. This is what confused me in the first place.
Edward Troxel June 7th, 2004, 12:00 PM I'm not seeing that. When I open the transition at either end of the event, the timeline is set for the length of THAT transition. (Yes, I'm testing in Vegas 4)
However, when you click on the timeline of the tail transition, it is positioning the cursor at that point in the head transition on the timeline. That just effects the preview, though, and not the actual functionality.
Philippe Gosselin June 7th, 2004, 12:04 PM You know what Edward, you are right .
I actually finally found a workaround.
Put the zoom out on the event and where i want it to stop i took a screenshot of it.
Put the screenshot on the timeline where the 2 meet and VOILA!!
i have to repeat the same process 4 times so it will be a bit tedious but it will do the job. Also i can't capture the screenshot in "best" condition possible, had to settle for "preview".
Got a better idea ??? :)
Thank you very much for your time.
Edward Troxel June 7th, 2004, 12:40 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Philippe Gosselin : Got a better idea ??? :) -->>>
Ummm..... upgrade to Vegas 5 and use Transition Envelopes?????
Philippe Gosselin June 7th, 2004, 12:41 PM I knew you would say that HIHIHIHIHIHI :)
Philippe Gosselin June 15th, 2004, 07:48 PM i just upgraded and all my problems were solved, thx Edward for all your time