View Full Version : MatroxRTX100

Toni Krivokapic
June 3rd, 2004, 07:07 PM
Hi, im about to purchase a computer for NLE purposes.
It will be a P4 3.2Ghz, Asus P4C800 Deluxe, 1 GB RAM, 4x120GB SATA, Ati Radeon 9600 dual head...
And i consider buying the Matrox RTX100 video editing card.

Yet, how "realtime" Matrox RTX100 really is ? All the info I can find about it on the net, comes either from the card manufacturers or card retailers. Yet i would be glad to hear from experienced users!

During the editing proces, i will be using many effects at once - color correction on every clip, transitions, text layers... So, how does MatroxRTX100 handle more than 4 effects at once ? Am i gonna be able to preview them on my external (pal) monitor ? How does Matrox handle 3rd party effects (such as SteadyShot effect...) ?

All in all, in simple words:is the Matrox RTX100 really worth giving 1000$ for ?

Look forward to hear your experience.

Arnaldo Paixao
June 8th, 2004, 08:08 AM
Hi Tony.

I recomended it.

I'm very happy with mine.

"Yet, how "realtime" Matrox RTX100 really is ? " --> Real time previews. No wait to render the effects. Real time mpeg encoding (one hour video takes one hour to encode).

"So, how does MatroxRTX100 handle more than 4 effects at once ?" --> I use mine on an "old" ASUS P4T-E with a 2Ghz P4.
With your board (wich is recomended by Matrox for the RT-X100) and processor, you will be ok.

"Am i gonna be able to preview them on my external (pal) monitor ?" --> Yes.

"How does Matrox handle 3rd party effects (such as SteadyShot effect...) ?" --> That is related to Premiere, not the RT-X100.

"All in all, in simple words:is the Matrox RTX100 really worth giving 1000$ for ?" --> Yes.

Best regards,

Elie Zakaria
June 8th, 2004, 10:47 PM
I concur, and to top what Arnaldo said, Matrox just released the final version of Xtools 6.0 for Premiere Pro 1.5 that have been certified by Adobe.

The new Xtools support many new features as well as great integration with Premiere Pro 1.5

Definetly a recommendation!!!
