Belda Chan
June 2nd, 2004, 01:30 PM
Hello, I was wondering if someone would tell me the difference between a PD 150 and a PD 170. Thank you in advance.
View Full Version : PD 150 vs. PD 170 Belda Chan June 2nd, 2004, 01:30 PM Hello, I was wondering if someone would tell me the difference between a PD 150 and a PD 170. Thank you in advance. Glen Elliott June 2nd, 2004, 06:26 PM 170 adds: -"better optics" ..not sure exactly but is now rated at 1lux compared to the 150's 2lux -larger handle on top, along with a zoom lever built into handle -new style of lens hood- built in lens cap that can be activated by a switch -Hybrid LCD, can be seen clearly even in direct sunlight. - I think the audio's s/n ratio is a hair better too. Other than that I'm not sure....they aren't that much different actually. If you can get your hands on a 150 cheap I say go for it. Mike Hanlon June 2nd, 2004, 06:59 PM I read somewhere that the 1 vs. 2 lux improvement comes from a better CCD manufacturing process which produces a more sensitive chip. The rest of the optics are the same as the PD150. Mike Rehmus June 2nd, 2004, 08:32 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Glen Elliott : 170 adds: -"better optics" ..not sure exactly but is now rated at 1lux compared to the 150's 2lux- -->>> Not better optics but better image processing in back of the CCD or so said one of the first quotes from a Sony engineer. There really isn't any more (delivered) light sensitivity according to the comparison images I've seen, just lower noise. Boyd Ostroff June 2nd, 2004, 09:22 PM I just assumed that they used the same 14 bit DSP technology found in the PDX-10 and TRV-950 such that gain could be boosted further without objectionable noise in the image. Dave Croft June 3rd, 2004, 04:30 AM Hi, this kind of fits into a dilemma I'm having. I need to pick up a second-hand sony this summer. It has come down to whether I get a VX2100 or a PD150, because the 150 is only a couple hundred more expensive (usually) on Ebay. Would the benefits of XLR etc. found on the PD150 outway the newer technology and upgrades (but lack of native XLR's) found on the VX2100. Does the slightly increased resolution on the vx2100/pd170 make a noticable difference over footage shot with pd150/vx2k? Any help would be appreciated, Dave. Mike Rehmus June 3rd, 2004, 10:32 AM <<<-- Originally posted by Dave Croft : Hi, Would the benefits of XLR etc. found on the PD150 outway the newer technology and upgrades (but lack of native XLR's) found on the VX2100. That's very hard to answer without you furnishing a lot more information. I think it would be very difficult to distinguish the results from either camera. That is, one couldn't look at the resulting video/audio and say, "That is from a PD-150 manufactured in June of 2002 at 4 pm on a Friday." :-))) All things being equal, I'd rather have a PD150 with its much better audio connection and audio electronics than a 2100. But it really comes down to application and need. ------------------------- Does the slightly increased resolution on the vx2100/pd170 make a noticable difference over footage shot with pd150/vx2k? No Any help would be appreciated, Dave. -->>> Michael Bendixen June 11th, 2004, 04:18 PM the PD-170 has more iris settings than the PD-150 (I think 24 vs. 12). Boyd Ostroff June 11th, 2004, 04:59 PM Yes, but I believe the VX-2100 still only offers a 12-step iris. Also, I don't think the 170/2100 offer "increased resolution" when compared to the 150/2000. According to Sony's specs all of these cameras use CCD's with 380,000 gross pixels. John Carey June 12th, 2004, 01:52 AM I put a lot of time and research into making this post. This should eliminate repeat posts: enjoy john |