View Full Version : Low cost HD Monitor

Andrew Lock
June 2nd, 2004, 01:06 PM
A quick tip - has a 17" Viewsonic widescreen LCD monitor that will handle HD and VGA very nicely for a bargain price of $590. I believe might stock it too.

Here is the link for

This is the most cost effective solution I can find at present for viewing my HD work.



Will Thompson
June 4th, 2004, 02:26 PM
Keep in mind, though, the max resolution on that monitor is 1280 x 1024. Full HD resolution is 1920x1080; however, the JVC cams still currently max out at 720p (1280x720). So, you'll be able to see all of the JVC can pixels now, but I think the new Sony HDV cam does 1080i/p. The only monitor I've seen that does full 1920x1080 is the Apple HD Cinema Display - also priced at quite a bit more than the LCD we're discussing. Let us know how the LCD works out (and how you're editing).

Andrew Lock
June 5th, 2004, 07:34 AM
Yes, for now it is fine. Since the Sony won't be coming out for at least another year, possibly longer (in which time I expect to see a big drop in HD monitor prices), this monitor seems to be a good interim solution. I am very happy with it.

I am just setting up an AspectHD system