View Full Version : Vertical lines losses?

Michael Chen
July 14th, 2002, 03:49 AM

I have noticed some vertical lines losses from the video I captured using the PAL XL1s.
Its like the image has been cropped off from the left and right.

Its pretty obvious when I play it back compared to a video from a vcd where it'll fills up the entire screen horrizontally where mine does not.
This is seen from the computer monitor though, is something wrong with my xl1s? or is the programme that i use to capture the video that is having the problem?

Chris Hurd
July 14th, 2002, 08:19 AM
We're talking about this issue at great length in this thread:

Let's take up the discussion there, to keep everything in one place please. Thanks,

Michael Chen
July 14th, 2002, 10:37 AM
I have been reading posts from there actually. But the problem discussed is about the pixel loss at the bottom. Mine's not only at the bottom but at the 2 sides (left and right as well)

But when I convert the files to mpeg files, the loss in vertical lines becomes less noticeable .
I'll read the thread you point to again though.
Just wondering whether we are talking bout the same problem.
Thanks for replying Chris..

Don Palomaki
July 14th, 2002, 06:48 PM
Missing about 8 pixels on left and right side? The ovescan area?

Michael Chen
July 14th, 2002, 07:39 PM
Yeah I think its around 8 pixel all together.
So I guess its the same problem that all are facing eh?

Chris Hurd
July 14th, 2002, 08:48 PM
Yes, it's the same deal.