View Full Version : 30fps to 29.97.

Douglas Joseph
August 11th, 2009, 07:08 PM
Hey, guys. I have a few upcoming commercials, and tomorrow I'm delivering some test footage to the broadcast station. I just realized today, that my footage isn't 29.97.

I had the footage exported as just a self contained QT file on FCP. Then through compressor, I changed the frame-rate to 29.97... I THOUGHT that changed it, but I was wrong. I finally took the time to look at it. Can anybody give me a solution to this. It's so nice to have a place to dump my questions, complaints, and all kinds of other jazz onto complete strangers. Thanks, everyone!

Sorry, double posted. Chris, delete please.

Chris Barcellos
August 11th, 2009, 07:37 PM
Cineform, Neo Scene or better. Will work with FCP. They have free trial downloads. Starts at $99.00 at sponsor Video Guys, or $ 129.00 with Cineform.

Nigel Barker
August 12th, 2009, 01:32 AM
No need to buy any additional software. If you are using FCP then you already have Cinema Tools as part of the whole Final Cut Studio. You use the Conform function to change frame rate.