View Full Version : DV-953 or discontinued used and more expensive GL1? Which one should I buy?

Gustavo Godinho
May 29th, 2004, 03:17 PM
Iīm thinking about a good 3CCD cam, but canīt afford a GL2 or a VX-2000/2100. So, what about a DV-953 or a GL1? Even being discontinued, a little more expensive and used, should I choose the GL-1? Or DV-953 is the better choice in this case?

Tommy Haupfear
May 29th, 2004, 03:40 PM
If you can still find a new DV953 then that is the I would go. The GL1 is a great cam but you run the risk of buying someone else's problem(s) when you go used.

Bryan Beasleigh
May 29th, 2004, 11:50 PM
I think you'd be buying into problems with a GL1. The lens was great but the resolution and audio left a lot to be desired. JMO

Listen to Tommy, he's owned more cameras than most. He has a habit of trading cameras several times a year.

Kamal Tailor
May 30th, 2004, 08:06 AM
i'd go for a new GL2 or i'd wait and see what Panasonic is up to with the replacement for the DV953, as it is also a discontinued camera or so i'm led to belive

Rick Tugman
May 30th, 2004, 05:41 PM
I really like the performance of my DV953. I always tell people... this camera is a great bargain. I was lucky enough to get it for under a 1000 dollars almost a year ago. Some of the prices are now even under 900 dollars which makes it a bargain for what you get. If you can still find one, the price point is the selling feature now. You can always wait for the newer model, but it all depends on what your going to use the camera for. It's YOUR money!

Now back to the question. I used my DV953 in the same broadcast with two GL1's .... no comparison the DV953 had it all over the GL1 for color saturation and detail in general. And compared to the other 100,000 dollar cameras on the show.... well all I can say is the DV953 matched better than the GL1's. Of course the DV953 didn't have the detail of the broadcast cameras, but for what I use this camera on the shows I direct, the DV953 is a much better choice. I guess you could say the difference is possibly the DV technological advances from the GL1 to the DV953.

This camera will surely suite your needs for years to come. Like everyone says - you can always wait or spend more money on something else. The truth is what do you want it for and will it suit your needs? The amount of money you could spend on a GL2 or the new model (so to speak) is a decision only you can make. It's your money and only you know what you want to do with the camera. Will a DV953 suit your needs - for the average person who likes good quaility video - yes.

The bottom line is - it's like everything else... the minute you make the commitment to buy it, something new will always come out. That is just how the world is with anything electronic. It's just how much you really need to spend.