View Full Version : For Frank

Paul Jason
May 29th, 2004, 11:24 AM
Frank if you ever happen to pop in again to view this forum, I would like to say a personal thank you for your part in pointing me in the right direction when I was looking to get into dv. I didn't know a thing about digital video and ask quite a few newbe questions. Some people might have not even have bothered to answered some of those questions I ask, but you answered them in a very knowledgeable and professional way that didn't make me feel stupid. I really appreciated that. I also appreciated you introducing me to Allan and the GS100k. (What a cam) I could go on and on but to make it short. I think I speak for all the people on this forum and as Chris said, We will all miss you.

Tavis Shaver
May 29th, 2004, 11:51 AM
I have to second everything that Paul and Chris said. You're great Frank, thanks for all the informative posts and thanks for being so dedicated to this board. You will be missed.

Patricia Kim
May 30th, 2004, 12:27 AM
Actually, Frank is the first genuinely free spirit I've ever encountered. I raise my glass to him (and, Frank, in case you ever check in again, sorry, but it's not apple juice in the glass). Thanks for adding wit as well as wisdom to Chris' great forum.

Graham Bernard
May 30th, 2004, 12:51 AM
I didn't know this! ! !


. .. now I'm depressed . . His humour, geaneality, good nature and wit will be missed by this Indie - I Sh££t you not !

. . .hmmmm .. now I'm depressed . .. .

.. . g .. . :-(

Justin Boyle
May 30th, 2004, 08:08 AM
Frank you have been the greatest contributor to these forums and there aren't many threads that you haven't replied to. you have been a great inspiration and help to all on here. We will miss you mate and i hope you drop in sometime. I'm sure all the other users will put posts in here.


Joby Arandela
May 30th, 2004, 05:39 PM

You were a significant driving force and influence on a lot of people, as I
know you were on me, with your quizzical and open approach, pushing minds to
their limits by seeking more knowledge to share, it was a great experience...


Ryan Spicer
May 31st, 2004, 12:58 AM
Just wanted to echo the sentiments of the other posters here. I know I'm a relative n00b in this community, but in the time I spent lurking before registering, and in response to both of my n00b-question posts, Frank always had something constructive and useful to say. He helped get me pointed in the direction of the DV-953 (I should hopefully be getting mine in the mail on Tuesday) and seemed to always be informative and helpful. Not knowing the community better than that, I can't say much more, but I certainly appreciated what I saw of his efforts for the community. =)

If you read this, Frank, good luck in future endeavors.

John Britt
June 8th, 2004, 10:34 AM
I mean, I find DV Magazine to be quite helpful, but their forum software just seems like unreliable junk. It's like turning down a home-cooked meal from Mom in favor of a McDonald's hamburger... I feel ashamed -- what could we have done to help keep Frank around? Were we really so bad? Was it my personal hygiene?

It's a shame to see him go. I mean, sure, he's Canadian, but even I won't hold that against him! :)

Anyway, this is much delayed (I just heard about it), but thanks for the memories, Frank. You did good at this thankless job, so the least I can do is say thanks now. Sorry to see you go...

Luis Caffesse
June 8th, 2004, 10:48 AM

Why didn't someone tell me this sooner?



John Hudson
June 8th, 2004, 11:12 AM
Who in the Haitis in Frank?

Frank G ?

Peter Jefferson
June 9th, 2004, 08:09 AM
Hey Frankie,

hope it all works out fo ryou whatever you decide to do :)

i really do hope that it wasnt Panas pissfarting about which convinced u to leave, as we've seen, Pana have come thru with the goods finally..

heres hoping we get one of our most major contributors back...

cheers and all the best mate