View Full Version : Edition DVD render problems

Nick Underwood
May 28th, 2004, 04:23 AM
Hi Guys.....

I have a finished sequence which includes a DVD menu etc etc

I preview it using the DVD preview feature, and it works fine....everything is great!

Now, I then create the DVD files (.vob) etc, and whether I burn to a DVD RW or onto the Hard drive and use Power DVD to watch, the video begins well, but quickly starts to stutter slightly, and the audio eventually becomes WAY out of synch with the video.....

I'm pulling my hair out as I can't seem to see the cause of the problem.

I'm now having to fuse the sequence (without the DVD menu), import it into Studio 9 (which is installed on a seperate OS partition), build the DVD menu in studio around the AVI, and then render & burn the DVD in STUDIO 9...>!!!!!

There must be an easier way !

PLEASE help !!!!

George Ellis
May 28th, 2004, 09:04 AM
Nick, do you have the burner updates including the Beta 2 fix? What data rate are you using? If you are using CBR at 9300 with MPEG audio, this might happen. Have you tried posting this at the Pinnacle Liquid Edition bb?

Nick Underwood
May 29th, 2004, 06:38 AM
Hi..thanks for the reply...

I've tried both constant bit rate, and variable bit rate, but I haven't adjusted the setting with variable, just thinking that what it was defaulted to, was probably the best setting.....

I set the audio to PCM, instead of the other option....(m2v..?!)
I tried that setting once, and didn't get any sound on the finished DVD...!!

I'm stuck...!!

George Ellis
May 29th, 2004, 11:11 AM
Make sure that the audio tracks are selected in the timeline to get it on DVD, but that would not explain why it worked for mpeg audio and not PCM. I usually use the default DVD VOB2 setting.

You are not putting a label on the DVDs are you? That would account for similar issues. So does using poor media. I have some 1x media that will do this if the video is longer than 8 minutes. I use Maxell media exclusively now, which I buy online for inkjetable media and at WalMart when I am in a hurry and a label does not matter.

Rob Lohman
May 30th, 2004, 08:47 AM
I have the feeling the RW part is messing up things. This can be
easily tested. Burn the DVD to an RW. Then copy the entire disc
back to the harddisk and play that.

Does it stutter and drift there as well then something else is

A lot of times computers have way more problems to read an
RW at a sustained rate. The rate is definitely lower than a normal
R disc anyway (somehow).

Nick Underwood
May 30th, 2004, 01:16 PM
Thanks George & Rob.....

All good suggestions, and I'm afraid, I can't say..."ah...yes..that's it...!"

It's not media problems, as I create the .vob files to hard drive, and even playing them in power DVD gives the same results.....

Does liquid render "ALL" items on the time line prior to DVD creation, or does it do it "on the fly" if there were any yellow slices remaining......I think I have all yellow slices rendered, but I may have missed something...

John Wilcox
May 30th, 2004, 03:23 PM
Just a thought since you seem to have drawn a blank elsewere, maybe its not Edition thats at fault.

I had a few problems with power DVD (a very old version i must add) playing some homemade DVD's and VCD's. Some stuttered while a couple played with sound only the screen remaining black).

As these disks worked fine on both my set top boxes and with Intervideo WinDVD on another system I ended up just uninstalling Power DVD and using WinDVD.

Hope you get it sorted

Nick Underwood
May 31st, 2004, 06:44 AM
Thanks all for the suggestions...........

I love this gets the collective brain working!

I have solved my problem.....!

Being a veteran of Studio 9, I wrongly assumed that during the "make DVD" process, Edition would render "entirely" all that it needed to before it went on to compile the DVD. That assumption was wrong !

I did indeed have some "yellow slices" that needed rendering, and after I did this, the finished DVD runs perfectly.....!!!

Easy when you know how eh?

My copy of Studio 9 is now coming off my hard drive. Liquid edition is without doubt a superb bit of code. If any of you guys are reading this considering updating to liquid, I would say...."Go for it! It's a huge learning curve....but my goodness is it worth it !!"

Thanks again all

George Ellis
May 31st, 2004, 12:27 PM
Geez... Render Yellow Slices... I have that on all the time, so I did not even think about it. :)

I still use S9 occasionally for little things that it has that are not yet included in LE. It will also do WDM captures of analog to digital through an ATI All-In-Wonder card. I keep it around for that too. So, you may not want to ditch it yet.

Nick Underwood
May 31st, 2004, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the advice George.....

I only turned off the yellow slice render as I thought the render time was taking too long for an "on the fly" editing system.....

eg: turning to B&W took ages compared to an instantaneous result if the yellow slice box was un-checked....

I guess you must have a monster graphcs card eh?

Mind you...I'm running on an Radeon 9800 pro, so I would have thought it was meaty enough..... ;)