K. Forman
May 26th, 2004, 05:24 PM
I watched it the other night, and was mildly amused by it. The camera work was nice, the story wasn't bad either...
But when I watched the fights, it reminded me of the old Kung Fu movie style. Anybody know who did the fight choreography?
Michael Wisniewski
May 26th, 2004, 11:06 PM
I enjoyed the movie, lots of sweeping landscapes, neat sets, and battles.
But I'd only recommend it as a rental because the story telling really lagged - it's probably on par with a made for TV movie.
Unfortunately, despite all the tragedy in the story, the only time I felt any tragedy was with Hector. The tragic "decisions" the other characters made, felt unconvincing.
I did enjoy the side step fighting style they came up with for Achilles. Brad Pitt did a good job in the "fighting" scenes, an ok job in the others. FWIW, Eric Bana as Hector probably did the best job of acting, with Sean Bean and Peter O'toole next.
Michael Wisniewski
May 26th, 2004, 11:10 PM
Anybody know who did the fight choreography?Simon Crane who was also the film's stunt coordinator and second unit director.