Andrei Petrik
May 26th, 2004, 12:25 AM
I have just made a 2hr MPEG2 file that i burned onto DVD using Ulead Movie Factory 2 and used Premeire 6.5 to encode the mpeg file.
I have about 20 chapter points on the disc with full chapter selection menus, etc...
However i get very short frame freezes in random places.... but mostly near the chapter points.
1. Whats kind of solutions are out there? to Fix this, or are there certain setting i should use whem encoding MPEG files.
2. Or should i be using a different kind of authoring or DVD burning program?
Rob Lohman
May 26th, 2004, 05:02 AM
What bitrate did you end up using for the video? How "full" is the
Did you try the disc on multiple players?
It sounds like:
1) your bitrate is a bit taxing (for the DVD R quality)
2) media problems, try a different brand
3) DVD player has trouble reading your disc (which can be due to points 1 & 2 or due to the player not being that compatible)
The only way to find out where the problems is, is to start
eliminating suspects. After you have ruled out player/media
then you can start looking at MPEG2 encodig or authoring
(which is unlikely to be the source of the "problems")
Andrei Petrik
May 26th, 2004, 09:18 AM
Bitrate is a variable with 6.0 max and 4.20 as average (i guess thats in thousands)
The DVD is juts around 4GB
And i used a the TDK brand.... well whats the most reliable brand or more popular barand that people here like to use?
Rob Lohman
May 28th, 2004, 02:42 AM
I don't have an answer for you on that one Andrei. People seem
to have varying results (and thus opinions) with brands of media
and burners. The market is very much in flux in that regard. The
first thing I would try is another DVD player. If that doesn't help
start trying different media.
That's the best I can do for you. Thusfar I've had good results
with Imation myself, but I'm not sure if this is sold outside of
Dan Euritt
June 3rd, 2004, 10:30 PM
if you used premiere 6.5, then you were exporting to the mainconcept encoder that is included with premiere?
i would try maxell discs if i were you.
Bogdan Vaglarov
June 8th, 2004, 01:36 AM
I'm having very similar issues.
My short production (17 min) recorded on both quality (Mitsubishi) DVD+RW at 4x, and cheap (Princo SuperX) DVD-R at 4x plays fine on my Samsung 383 DVD player.
Full back up of my movie though on the Princo had very severe block noise, freezes and skips in the last 15-20 minutes of the disk. Used was the maximum available space 4.38GB (Explorer) or 4464MB in my recoding software.
Same lenth recorded on quality DVD-RW (TDK 1-4x) at 2x (my drive doesn't support 4x-8x for DVD-R/RW) also showed some very ocaisonal noise block in the last 30-40 min but played to the end.
The Princo was unacceptable in the last 5-10 minutes.
I'm talking about 2-2.5 hours recompressed MPEG2 (don't know the actual bitrate though). The quality was good for me on normal size standard TV - no noise or pixalization, good detail.
So I guess it's combination of compression ratio, recordable media and DVD player capabilities.
I wish I could have more encouraging results. I just ordered TV/capture card with aim to capture most of Euro 2004 on DVDs. What if I end up with unwatchable last 30 minutes?