Graham Bernard
May 24th, 2004, 11:44 PM
Okay, okay okay .. . yes I'm slow .. Just discovered the value of using a Polarizer. Skies are blue, colours jump off the screen, of course reflections "disappear" and this allows fopr "focus-through" glass . . . it's a with a free rubber sunshade best £30.00 I've spent recently. It will give me a view to the value of using filters with this cammie, and understanding "why" using filters makes a difference. .. .oh yeah . . the £30 expenditure may very well "pale" into insignifigance when I start seriously considering a Kestrel Matte box AND the Grad filters NAD NDs AND suitable Circ Polarizer . . . . . comes back into to view? . . This could be around the £700 mark with all the Lee filters I've seen .. . In the meantime I'm having great fun with this modest purchase. Wholly recommend it as an additional "experimentation" investment for first time-off-dabbling with filters.
Robin Davies-Rollinson
May 24th, 2004, 11:47 PM
Welcome to the "real" world of camerawork! (-or should I say cammiework ;-) )
Ken Tanaka
May 24th, 2004, 11:49 PM
Don't mince words, Grazie. Tell us what you really think about that polarizer. <g>
Geez, you'll have to be sedated if you get that matte box and a ND grad.
Graham Bernard
May 25th, 2004, 01:47 AM
Thanks Gentlemen!
. . . Robin: DO keep your Arri MAtte box under lock and key!?!?!? I DO know where Wales is - - yer know? Just down the M4 .. yeah?
. .. Eh, Robin when can I come and visit .. . ?
Ken, yeah . . I really think you know me very well by now . . Truly, I'm wanting to "understand" the pholosphy" behind using filters . . the best thing I've heard recently is: "Film isn't about reality!" - however, filming "the best" you can IS what it is about .. . My polarizer is another step into that "unreality" of film making - where making the real "more" real is what I think filmaking is about. As much as writing poetry is a way into to another "reality" . .. and "modern" or post-modernist art/architechure is a way to "question" what is visually around us . . .. and all this from me purchasing a circular polarizer? - Well no, of course . .. I've always been a questioning pain in the rear end . .. . where I'm up to with my video work is only another "sign-post" on that path . . cooooo... bit deep for this time of the morning .. . apologies . . ..
Anthony Williams
May 26th, 2004, 02:01 AM
Geez, you'll have to be sedated if you get that matte box and a ND grad.
That is funny.