Brett Pitts
May 21st, 2004, 12:43 AM
I have been editing footage in both Premiere Pro and Vegas 4.0 and was wondering why the final product has such poor resolution. While editing it looks excellent in the application, however, when I export/render the video the resolution is not good at all.
For example i was editing a shot that was shot from behind a bush in a flower bed. In the applications the leaves look crisp but when i export/render they are more like a blurry pixilated mass in the corner of the frame.
I am running windows XP, 160gb Hard Drive, 1gig ram, AMD Athlon XP processor, and a 128MB graphics card.
ANY suggestion or thoughts?
Rob Lohman
May 21st, 2004, 07:24 AM
We can't tell you with the information you've given us. As you
may have noticed both applications will present you with several
options and formats when exporting. These choices will effect
the way the footage looks in a very very big way.
So tell us to what format / codec you are exporting and which
settings you are using and what you want to do with the export.
Kent Diamond
May 22nd, 2004, 07:28 PM
I assume you are going to DVD.
I had the same problem. Check your setting when exporting. In PPro - File | Export | Adobe Media Encoder...
In the dialog box pick MPEG2-DVD for Format and a Preset of "NTSC DV High quality 7MB CBR 1 Pass". When I first started I was always trying the 2 pass variable bit rate settings. They looked terrible. In theory it should be as good or better than the 1 pass. I could never get it to work.
Has anyone gotten good results with the two pass presets?
Michael Wisniewski
May 22nd, 2004, 10:48 PM
How are you previewing the video in the applications? Are you viewing it on a separate video monitor or just the computer monitor?
Glen Elliott
May 23rd, 2004, 07:23 AM
Both Premiere and Vegas support real-time preview via IEEE. In other words either use a digital to analog converter or your DV camera to send the signal to a Television or NTSC Monitor. (firewire to camera, composite or s-video from camera to external monitor). This is the ONLY way to get a correct judgement of color and lumimocity.
From the sounds of the problem you were seeing it definitly sounds like it's encoding related.