View Full Version : Top 10 movies you should watch ...
Michael Wisniewski July 2nd, 2002, 06:36 PM If you want to make movies with no redeeming value!
No art house movies, what do you really watch, when nobody is watching? I'll start with a few:
Real Genius
Hell Raiser (minus the last 2)
Army of Darkness
The Arrival
and just for fun
Dr. Who (with Tom Baker as the Doctor)
and of course any episode with the Daleks or the Master
and any sidekick you thought was really good looking
Oh and I have to admit, I like 4 weddings and a funeral.
Eric Emerick July 2nd, 2002, 09:00 PM I'll chime in on this one. I won't cop to the redeeming value value proposition (too philosophical), but here's a few that come to mind: Starfighter - Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai - Attack of the Killer Tomatos - Kentucky Fried Movie - Hollywood Knights - The Cable Guy - My Bodyguard _ and every Rodney Dangerfield flick.
K. Forman July 2nd, 2002, 09:59 PM And I'll add:
Oh Brother! Where art thou?
Dogma ( And just about everything else by Kevin Smith)
And just for trippy value, The Naked Lunch
K. Forman July 2nd, 2002, 10:02 PM Hey Eric-
I just noticed we are neighbors! I'm in Palm Bay- Howdy Neighbor!
Adrian Douglas July 2nd, 2002, 10:06 PM Eric
judging by your list, you'd probably enjoy a classic piece of NZ trash called Bad Taste.
K. Forman July 2nd, 2002, 10:17 PM Bad Trash almost sounds familiar. What's it about?
Adrian Douglas July 2nd, 2002, 10:28 PM A bunch of aliens want to take over the earth, the usual z grade stuff. If you watch it and then Attack of the Killer Tomatos, I garantee you'll never complain about another movie as long as you live
Patrick Coker July 11th, 2002, 09:19 PM THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER....STREETS OF FIRE starring Rick Moranis. If you tell anyone I said this Iwill deny it...where is the delete button?
Jeff Donald July 11th, 2002, 09:46 PM I think I had a post in here somewhere.
Airplane I and II
Have ever seen a grown man . . .
you know the rest.
Paul Sedillo July 17th, 2002, 04:42 PM I love this topic!
- Better of Dead (so funny you will squirt milk through your nose)
- Tape Heads (see above)
- Omega Man (Classic SciFi flick - a must see)
- Warriors (such a cheezy movie from the past, but fun to watch)
- Brazil (kind of an "out there" movie but visual stunning)
- Clerks (best work Kevin Smith ever did IMHO)
- Swingers ("your so money and you don't even know it")
These are a few that come to my distorted mind.
K. Forman July 17th, 2002, 04:47 PM Eight heads in a Dufflebag. Some of Joe Pesci's finest work.
Eric Emerick July 17th, 2002, 06:21 PM Couple of George Segal specials:"Someone is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe" and "Rollercoaster". Also, "Assault on Precinct 13" (I think it is an early John Carpenter flick).
Eric Emerick July 18th, 2002, 11:44 AM Whups. That should be "Who is Killing..." But does it really matter?
Charles Papert July 18th, 2002, 01:31 PM If you have an interest in movies about making movies, one of the best is "The Stunt Man" with Peter O'Toole as a megalomaniacal director making an anti-war picture, and Steve Railsback as a fugitive who stumbles onto the set and becomes their stunt man. It's surreal and funny, and O'Toole is amazing. A little dated but worth watching.
Frank Granovski August 7th, 2002, 05:25 AM Eraserhead
Fire Walk With Me
Elephant Man
(Keep it up, Dave!)
and then there's Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyes....
Nick Glenister August 7th, 2002, 06:23 AM I've got to recommend Momento to you all... a stunning film. Won't spoil it by mentioning anything other than the lead character (Guy Pierce) suffers from short term memory loss and is trying to find the guy who murdered his wife. Truly brilliant.
I'll also do along with Keith (Capt Quirk) O brother where art thou is fantastic as is Dogma.
And ditto Studio975: "Clerks (best work Kevin Smith ever did IMHO)", my personal favorite is Mallrats though
Also been recommended the film Angel Heart but i've not seen it yet.
doctorxex August 7th, 2002, 09:56 AM Dead Alive, Reanimator, Frankenhooker, Bad Taste, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Legend of Hell House (this movie is *incredible*), Nekromantik (REALLY messed up), Hellraiser 1-4 (the 4th one, "bloodline," is a highly qualitable movie!), Delicatessen (WEIRD), Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead (one of the best sound tracks ever), Evil Dead II (and THEN I... Army of Darkness isn't nearly as good, no blood!), Kids, Julien Donkey Boy (harmony korine is a weirdo), Meet the Feebles, Redneck Zombies, Beware: Children at Play, Cannibal: The Musical...
err, yeah. can any one tell i'm a really big Skinny Puppy fan?
Dylan Couper August 7th, 2002, 10:39 PM I forgot one of my favs...
Carradine, Stallone, cars, killin' and nekkid chicks. Truly a recipe for a great film.
Hey, doctorxex, a friend of mine has produced albums with Skinny Puppy. I've never met them, though I probably could if I bugged him to introduce me. However I'm not a big enough fan to want to. From what I hear, they've recently been dropped by their label.
Frank Granovski August 8th, 2002, 02:02 AM "Dr. Strangelove" is one of my all time favourites.
John Locke August 8th, 2002, 02:48 AM long as we're all confessing to movies we saw and liked...but don't necessarily want to admit to's my list
*Brother from Another Planet - ("Honey, you gotta do something about your toenails")
*Disco Beaver from Outer Space - (Giant Alien Beaver invades NY)
*My Favorite Year - (Great dialogue)
*Some Girls - ("So what happens when you visit people for longer periods? Everybody winds up pregnant or dead.")
* Houseguest - (Sinbad)
*Local Hero - (Fun sleeper)
* The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!- ("Eemargency. Eemargency. Everybudy is to git frum street.")
* Viva Max! - (Modern day Mexican general takes back the Alamo)
* The Cat and the Canary - (Bob Hope oldie)
...oh man...I'm missing Blockbuster about now! Not exactly one in the neighborhood.
Rik Sanchez August 8th, 2002, 07:28 PM Anyone seen movie by Alejandro Jodorowsky. El Topo, Holy Mountain, and my fav Santa Sangre. very trippy, great lines, "bury your mother's photograph and your first toy, okay, now you are a man."
Doctorxex, you would love the parade down the street with everyone holding up a large crucifix with a real skinned dog on it, about 90 or so dogs, can't make movies like that anymore. I think he filmed them all in Mexico because it was hell of cheap and plus he could do scenes like that. Forgot which movie that scene is from, maybe from El Topo. Now that I have a DVD player(region free also) I ought to start my DVD collection. That website also has a skinny puppy link on the links page:-)
Correction, it was flayed lambs and it was in Holy Mountain, check out the Holy Mountain images.
John, Tsutaya Video sucks, but there are small video shops that have cool movies. I saw Frankenhooker a long time ago, my friend here would love it, that's another one on the list to get.
You'll need the original Rollerball to show after DeathRace 2000.
in the 6th grade saw a film, The Velvet Vampire, a sort of vampire babe meets some bikers, with some nude scenes, don't remember most of it, but I know I liked it, anyone seen that movie?
Aaron Koolen August 8th, 2002, 08:39 PM Ok, now I have to defend my fellow countryman from New Zealand here :)
BadTaste is an awesome movie! I loved it when I first saw it about 10 years ago and watched it again the other week and still loved it. In a totally superior league to Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes - but then maybe only another New Zealander would say that <grin>
It's "budget" but very funny and well done. I watched the making of docco that came with the DVD and it was quite insipring. He always found solutions to the problems that they faced. Hey, making a latex mask mould of your face by holding your breath and plunging it into a bowl of dental amalgam for as long as you could has to be admired :)
And of course, he went on to make Frighteners, Brain Dead (Dead alive in the US) and of course Lord of the Rings.
Some of my other favourites have to be:
- Army of Darkness
- Naked Lunch
- Hellraiser 1
- Bladerunner
- The Day the Earth Stood Still.
- Planet of the Apes (original one with Charlton Heston)
Dylan Couper August 9th, 2002, 01:58 AM Yep, Rollerball right after Death Race 2000.
I can't bring myself to watch the new Rollerball. Hell, I even have a hard time just calling it Rollerball.
Velvet Vampire sounds great!
My favorite movie of ALL TIME from childhood: Race For Your Life Charlie Brown.
Other guilty pleasures. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 and #3.
Rik Sanchez August 9th, 2002, 02:24 AM my wife and I got free tickets to see the "new" rollerball, it sucked big time, plus with all the high speed action filmed up close, it was almost as bad as the blairwitch cam. only other movie that almost made me sick watching, I got a slight headache actually, was the handheld camera work on Dancer in the dark, great movie but he should have used a tripod.
Peter Lock August 9th, 2002, 06:17 AM Once upon a time in America. Robert De Niro.
Enough said
Christine Noguere August 9th, 2002, 07:59 AM Hey Peter,
It's okay to admit to this one since some critics consider it a masterpiece. I worked on this movie both in Florida and New York. Got to drive De Niro, Sergio Leone and his family, and the D.P. around in Florida (not at the same time, Leone was huge.) De Niro asked if I minded if he smoked a cigar, and I said, "Yes." He lit up anyway! He's a cool guy though. (I was trying to protect the interior of my 1956 Chevy.)
Movies I like but don't always admit to:
Every John Wayne movie ever made
The Chinese Connection
Wizard of Oz
7th Voyage of Sinbad
The Wolfman
Peter Lock August 9th, 2002, 10:14 AM Hi Christine
If thats a Convertable, I'm getting devorsed & comming out to marry you.
I agree with with all Big Johns Movies, I'm a litte astounded at most of the choices on this thread, we're not all anoraks.
Christine Noguere August 9th, 2002, 10:30 AM Hi Peter,
Sorry, you'll have to see my ex about the convertible (and my 5 other '56 Chevys.) Yes, the choices on this thread are pretty interesting...oops, I forgot South Park - Bigger, Longer & Uncut.
But since some people are including their art house favorites, I have to recommend "Cyclo" (Vietnamese) - one of the most beautifully shot films I've ever seen (though horrifying to watch.)
Aaron Koolen August 9th, 2002, 02:18 PM Oh my god! I forgot the South Park movie. That is the only movie that I have ever laughed so hard in there were tears streaming down my face. And after only 5 minutes...
John Locke August 10th, 2002, 06:03 AM Anoraks? Ok. I give. What's it mean?
Rik Sanchez August 10th, 2002, 06:34 AM anorak: a warm, hooded jacket, worn in artic climates.
must be that little guy who always gets killed, I've only seen one episode, (anal probe!!!) funny stuff.
Peter Lock August 10th, 2002, 07:24 AM Anorak.
Slang for someone who's hobby is considered Boring by others.
I:E. Train Spotters, Mobile Text freaks. Star Wars fanatics,
Doug Thompson August 10th, 2002, 07:54 AM 1--The Stunt Man (directed by Richard Rush). Peter O'Toole, Steve Railsback, Barbara Hershey. Slogan: "If God could do the things we do, he's die a happy man."
2--Streets of Fire (directed by Walter Hill). A rock and roll allegory. Michael Pare, Diane Lane, Amy Madigan, Rick Moranis, Willem Defoe. And whatever happened to Deborah Van Falkenberg?
3--Them (Directed by Goron Douglas). Giant ants in New Mexico. It was filmed in color and 3-D but the studio didn't like it and released it in black and white. James Whitmore, James Arness and an early bit part by Leonard Nimoy.
4--Duel (Directed by Steven Spielberg). Made for TV. Dennis Hopper, Cary Loften. Forget the shark. A rusty gasoline tanker truck is a lot scarier.
5--Junior Bonner (Directed by Sam Peckinpaugh). Steve McQueen, Robert Preston. Peckingpaugh's least violent but most human film.
6--Outlaw Josey Wales (Directed by Clint Eastwood). Clint Eastwood, Chief Dan George and the usual Eastwood stock company. The western he should have gotten the Oscar for.
7--The Searchers (Directed by John Ford). John Wayne, Jeffrey Hunter. The western.
8--The Day the Earth Stood Still (Directed by Robert Wise). Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Hugh Marlowe and a very big robot. "Gort, Klaatu barada nikto."
9--Seven Days in May (Directed by John Frankenheimer). Kirk Douglas, Franchot Tone, Burt Lancaster. Uncle Sam will become General Sam if the military gets its way.
10--Blazing Saddles (Directed by Mel Brooks). Cleavon Little, Harvey Korman, et al. Could he make the movie today in these PC times? No way, but the campfire scene makes it all worth the effort.
Eric Emerick August 10th, 2002, 09:20 PM I think this thread has gotten off its intended path. It started with films we feel guilty about watching because we feel on the most basic level it is poorly made, or in some way undeserving of our admiration, but from which we cannot tear our attention when it is within our view. Hence the term "guilty pleasures". So I will add some more of my own sad stories:
Dutch (I love this movie!)
Escape from N.Y.
The Warriors
Real Genious
The "Emmanuel" Series
Torso ( if you saw this, I bet it was at a drive-in, with Chain Saw Massacre)
One on One (For jocks only)
Academy Award nominees need not apply.
Dylan Couper August 11th, 2002, 02:28 AM A couple more of mine.
Chopping Mall
The best shopping mall horror movie next to Dawn of the Dead.
Strange Brew
(take off hoser!)
Doug Thompson August 11th, 2002, 04:27 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Eric Emerick : I think this thread has gotten off its intended path. It started with films we feel guilty about watching because we feel on the most basic level it is poorly made, or in some way undeserving of our admiration, but from which we cannot tear our attention when it is within our view. Hence the term "guilty pleasures". -->>>
The list I posted is my "guilty pleasures" list. My "quality" list always starts with the same film -- Citizen Kane.