View Full Version : does anybody know our story?

Marcos Gektidis
May 14th, 2004, 07:30 AM
Hi folks,

its cool to see the impact our little invention had on independent filmmakers. Makes us proud in a way, coz thats what where we come from.

But who are we? Well, we are a small film production, named RAID and we consist of 2 DPs and two editors. I am one of the DPs.

What was our part in the development of the adapter?

1. The idea. We approached P+S because we wanted them to change one of their view-finders into an adapter for our Canon Xl-1. We wanted a tool to create a film look with the coolest format available: miniDV. Somebody had to bury betacam!
It took a year of continuous collaboration and testing before we were able to use the prototype for a movie. Its the moto-cross movie you can download at The prototype had a fixed groundglass without capsule. As you can imagine we were shooting the day and cleaning the night.

2. The name and slogan: "mini35" and "free your DV" were invented by RAID. Now the trademark is owned by P+S.

3. I am ashamed to say: the website. We did some effort do create a web site for all those who had pressing questions on the adapter. But we where overwhelmed by the response. And later on overwhelmed by work. All we did was done without any financial support but I admit, this is no excuse for a bad web-presence. We could not and cannot keep up with all the development...just look how long it took me to discover this forum. I am sorry for this and hereby apologize for our bad support via www. However we forward every question and comment to P+S and hopefully they answer.

I will try to take an active part in this forum.

And hey, we still wait for a director to approach us with a cool film project.

One last thing: mini35 is sexy ... pro is not...

Rob Lohman
May 15th, 2004, 05:47 AM
Welcome aboard Marcos! Great to have you with us. Thank you
for the story and greetings from your neighbouring country!