Deniz Turkmen
May 12th, 2004, 12:02 PM
I'll be assuming the roles of director, DP, and camera operator for an upcoming short, so using a field monitor won't be an option.
Is there any kind of compact high resolution monitor that could be attached to the 100A (or rig--I'm using a DvRig Pro) that would enable me to monitor the colors and focus?
Stefan Scherperel
May 12th, 2004, 02:08 PM
I am actually in a similar situation, and am using the DvRig pro. I have actually been looking into getting one of the 7in portable dvd players. What you want to look for is an Anamorphic screen (if you are shooting anamorphic) and video inputs. I have seen the 7in by Poloriod for around $200 and it has video in. I have also looked at another brand (can't remember off the top of my head) that has a similar 7in screen and video in. As for hooking it up to the Dvrig pro, I'm sure there is a way, as it could probably sit right next to the left side of the DVX onthe excess track that is available if you slide the camera all the way to the right. I haven't figured out yet what I am going to do, but if anyone has any good ideas, I'd be up for testing them out.
Deniz Turkmen
May 12th, 2004, 02:54 PM
Will a portable DVD player be accurate enough to judge color and focus?
Ken Tanaka
May 12th, 2004, 03:12 PM
Nebtek ( has the best variety of excellent LCD monitors available. Many can also be powered from a camera battery. Check them out.
I use the Panasonic 7" LCD. It's probably the best of its genre, although a bit $$.