View Full Version : A special thanks to Charles P.

Charles King
May 7th, 2004, 02:39 AM
I don't know if it's been done but I'll like to thank Charles P. for all the support he has been giving everyone on this forum. A source of invaluable information to say the least.
Apart from Garret he's one of my favorite operators along with Larry and Jerry. Hey, is it me or do these names tend to rhyme? ;)

Thanks for all the support.

Charles Papert
May 7th, 2004, 09:54 AM
Very kind words Charles K. We will have to work out something with our names to avoid confusion! Mind if I call you Bruce? Or perhaps we can just call each other Bruce. That'll do it...

Congratulations to you on your book, that's fantastic that you got it out there. I'm looking forward to seeing it very much.

It's my pleasure to be here on It's a great community.

Charles King
May 7th, 2004, 11:36 AM
"We will have to work out something with our names to avoid confusion! Mind if I call you Bruce? Or perhaps we can just call each other Bruce. "

You can say that again. :) What about Ti. That's the username I use on most of the other forums.

Taylor Moore
May 16th, 2004, 02:11 AM
A thank you to both Charles, K and P. I have learned much from your posts here and at other forums:

Charles K, I am sure your book is selling well and hope that LULU worked out for you.

And to Charles P.
I happened to be showing some friends "Office Space" and believe that the Operator on the film was Charles P.
If it is the same Charles P, I salute you...what a great film.

I am still a hack Glidecam operator but I would be alot worse without your help.


Charles Papert
May 16th, 2004, 07:09 AM
Cheers, Taylor. I am indeed that Charles Papert; glad you enjoy "Office Space". It's amazing how big a following it has grown on video.

Charles King
May 17th, 2004, 11:25 AM
Thanks Taylor. BTW Charles P. Great job on that movie. I liked it as well.
Taylor, I've changed to cafepress due to the shipping charges which are ridiculous. The book seems to be selling better over there.
BTw Taylor, I would like some pics of your back-mounted vest that you did as well as some pics of your sled that you modified slightly. I would like to use t in my second book about new additions one can make on the V-series, of course if it's alright with you?

Ryan Martino
May 18th, 2004, 10:16 PM
Charles Papert shot office space....

i knew i was hanging out on the right forum!

Taylor Moore
May 20th, 2004, 09:18 PM
Charles K, Please feel free to use my backmount

I can reshoot higher rez and send to you.

Charles P., well I would love to hear some stories from the "Office Space' shoot...

I used to work for a large game company and the similarities were hilarious...