View Full Version : book on physics behind lenses

Richard Lin
May 6th, 2004, 09:04 PM
i am doing my final high school physics paper on camera lenses, and was wondering if anyone knew any books or magazine articles that take an in-depth look at the physics behind lenses. I am having trouble finding books that take an in-depth look, the only books that the libraries in my area offer are those children' science books that only look at the very very basics of lenses.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


Ken Tanaka
May 6th, 2004, 09:26 PM
What is the world coming to when a young fellow can't find a book on lens design in Beverly Hills!

Searching for books on "lens design" turned up many, many titles.

Doing a Google search on the same subject also produced a google of interesting links.

Good luck with your paper.