Imran Zaidi
May 6th, 2004, 10:13 AM
Windows is always getting flack for all the security patches and packs; but as OSX becomes more popular, it bears noting that critical vulnerabilities and their corresponding patches make for a very nonpartisan issue.
Perhaps if for no other reason, we can all unite in our mutual hatred for hackers and system hijackers.
Ken Tanaka
May 6th, 2004, 11:00 AM
Unquestionably, Mac OS X has security holes that are overlooked by both hackers and security pundits. (This is another good reason to keep Mac prices as high as possible; hackers can't afford them <g>.)
But recognize that the article in your link is basically a free publicity placement for a tiny, largely unknown IT security company. It is in their interest to sound a bit alarmist to attract some self-attention.
Rob Belics
May 6th, 2004, 11:13 AM
Where did I find that article "Five thousand Critical Vulnerabilities in Windows"? :)
Imran Zaidi
May 6th, 2004, 11:42 AM
OK, before it snowballs from here.... I wasn't trying to start another ridiculous win is bad mac is good, mac is bad win is good thread. I just wanted to point out that with all platforms, when made popular enough, and when made the subject of hacker disdain as Microsoft is, this kind of stuff starts happening.
Also, it's always third-party security drillers that come up with security holes that the software vendor seldom admits on their own. I'm glad at least someone is out there checking Apple at least a little, because they are a corporation like any other, concerned ultimately with their bottom line. I need to know that my Mac/PC network is secure on all links of the chain, and I can't rely on just Apple or just Microsoft to tell me it is. They will downplay, the 3rd party will play it up, and the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Heck, one of the vulnerabilities in the article involves Apache - something that isn't even OS specific.
Alex Taylor
May 9th, 2004, 11:24 AM
Where did I find that article "Five thousand Critical Vulnerabilities in Windows"? :)
It's in the bookstore, right beside '1001 Ways to Exploit your Windows PC'.