Alessandro Machi
May 4th, 2004, 09:45 PM
Does the DVX100 record at the LP setting?
Can someone tell me what video deck out there actually displays an LP icon or graphic when you playback a tape that was recorded at the LP setting in it?
Ken Tanaka
May 4th, 2004, 10:18 PM
Yes, it can shoot in LP mode. But I'd advise against using it. Sooner or later LP will bit you in the tail.
The decks I've used do indicate LP playback on their displays.
Alessandro Machi
May 5th, 2004, 03:27 AM
At first I didn't know that my camera guy had accidentally switched to the LP mode, so when the footage came up for viewing, it would not play on a DSR-40.
I had to take it to a duplication house where it played on some decks but not others. However, we could not verify that it was because it was shot in the LP mode because we could not find the LP graphic or icon on the decks that did play the footage back.
Which decks playback LP and actually show tha the tape is LP?
Barry Green
May 5th, 2004, 12:44 PM
The camera itself will show a little "LP" signal in the upper right corner when you play back an LP-mode tape.
Alessandro Machi
May 5th, 2004, 02:32 PM
But if I hired someone who had a DVX100, and I don't have access to their camera after the shoot date, then what decks out there would tell me that I had an LP tape?
Ken Tanaka
May 5th, 2004, 03:00 PM
Every deck I've seen that plays various formats has featured an indicator on their display. Again, though, I'd advise you to avoid LP mode. Its slow speed makes it vulnerable to tiny tape defects that would not affect higher speeds. It's also not always compatible across brands of tape transports, or even across different devices. Hire a shooter that knows what s/he is doing with that camera.
Alessandro Machi
May 5th, 2004, 05:11 PM
It was not done intentionally. The strange part was the shooter had a cassette icon with a line through it flashing on the upper left hand of the viewfinder. We don't know if the flashing icon was there all day, but it might have been. The shooter thought there was something wrong with the camera. Imagine my temporarily freaked out state when I reviewed the footage a few days later and the DSR-40 I had access to dropped audio and showed blockiness on all of the second day's footage.
The duplication house I use theorized that the tape was recorded in the LP mode. The tape subsequently played in three out of five decks that they tried it in. However, NONE of the three decks that played back the tapes had any kind of indication that stated what speed the tape was shot at, well, we couldn't find any such indication.