View Full Version : What's Missing?

Michael Best
April 30th, 2004, 10:20 AM
I'm headed for a two camera setup and wanted some input
on what all will be needed. With two cameras, do my hardware
needs change? I believe the dv decks only have one tape
slot so footage is captured from each camera/tape concurrently.
Anything to consider? All the research I've done on here seems
to be in a single camera environment. My background is music,
I am wrought in equipment, 32, 16, 12 channel Mackie boards,
Roland VS1680, V-Drums, four P4 PC's, dual 19" LCD monitors,
a myriad of mics, amps, instruments, processors, samplers,
lighting, software > Acid, Sonar, SoundForge, etc. I hoping to
find out how I can implement a lot of this stuff. The Mackie's
will be good for sound and the software can add all kinds
of sound options, (I intend to compose music for my proprietary
work), I just need to know what essentials I'll need. Obviously
a good NLE and deck, CRT, what's missing?

SIDE NOTE: Enormous thanks to this community. I have never
seen a forum where almost every question/inquiry is responded
to regardless of it's significance. One could purchase a book
on DV but never get the vast diversity of opinion and experience
offered here. Interaction here has allowed me to pursue my
equipment purchases with confidence. I am incredibly impressed
and can't thank enough those that take the time to help.

Bill Pryor
April 30th, 2004, 10:53 AM
There are lots of things to consider. In order to get two camcorders to stay in sync, you need professional ones with genlock, which means you're in the over $10K range, each, plus accessories. Or, you can run two of the cheaper DV cameras and use a clapboard or some other sync device so you have a vide and audio reference point on each tape. If you're recording double system sound (ie., your sound goes to a hard drive and video to tape), then you have to sync the cameras together plus the sound recording device, so a clapboard would be essential.

There really are too many options to consider without figuring out a budget first. For example, in the DV realm, you could spend about $25,000 each for a couple of DSR570's with fairly good lenses. Or you could go with a couple of PD170's (or XL1's or DVX100a's for about $3500 each.) You mentioned DV decks...if you want to buy decks, they go from around $1,000 to about $12,000 each.