View Full Version : Advice for shooting in the rain

Jeff Toogood
April 30th, 2004, 08:27 AM
I have a shoot coming up tomorrow outdoors and the weather isn't looking like it is going to co-operate.
Unfortunately we only have the one day at this site to get all the footage we need.

What advice can you give me for shooting outdoor footage in the rain? I will be using my backup camera just because I don't want to risk hurting my good camera.
We were planning on running a boom pole with mic for audio, but that might become a real mess.

I have never had to do anything like this before, what suggestions can you guys offer?

Thanks in advance.

Don Bloom
April 30th, 2004, 08:37 AM
If you don't have a rain coat for the camera then get a plastic garbage bag cover the camera, cut a hole for the lens and the VF, get a bag for yourself (or raingear)and you're in business. I've shot in rain and snow storms using this method. If you're on a tripod you can also set up a large umbrella on the tripod. I've done that before also using a clamp setup. It's kinda nice in a hard rain, keeps the rain from smackin' you.
As for the mic on the boom you can't use plastic. A blimp might be the best thing to use, a furry 2nd and foam last.
Have fun, stay dry.

Bill Pryor
April 30th, 2004, 11:32 AM
The garbage bag with holes for the lens and viewfinder is good. You can also take along another person to hold an umbrella. Go by someplace that sells athletic stuff and get one of those golfing umbrellas--they're a lot bigger than standard umbrellas.

Dan Holly
April 30th, 2004, 05:09 PM