View Full Version : Simulating DVX100a Gamma settings in post

Dave Croft
April 30th, 2004, 02:37 AM
Hi All,

I'm thinking of getting a GL2 in the next month or so, and may use 'frame mode' for that initial film look. However, the DVX100a
has extra gamma settings that as you know can help to move the footage away from video look.

So I was wondering whether it is possible, and has anyone achieved similar results to the DVX's gamma modes in post production. I have seen that there are gamma settings in the 'levels' effect in Premiere ( I don't know about other NLE's).
So, anyone have any ideas or experience in this matter?

By the way I know that you need more than just frame mode and gamma settings to achieve the 'look' eg. good lighting etc. I just wanted some info about this stage of the process ;)

Thanks in advance for any replies,

Frank Ladner
April 30th, 2004, 01:00 PM
Dave: Hi! I own a GL2 and can tell you that it's a wonderful camera for the money. ((Off topic: If you are planning on doing sound stuff with it, the DXA-6 from Beachtek is excellent.))

Anyhow, I usually never output anything that hasn't been run through the Curves filter. This alone (without being overdone - and done in accordance with the mood of the shot) can have a dramatic effect on the footage.

What I would like is a before and after frame from a DVX-100 with and without the cinegamma applied. I'll poke around in Google and see if I can find something. That way, I can take the original frame into After Effects and see if I can get the same look as the frame that was shot using the in-camera gamma settings.

I have a feeling that this can be easily done.

Frank Ladner
April 30th, 2004, 01:19 PM
Here's a page with a few links to images shot w/ different settings:

That was taken from the following page, with more links:

I may take one of these frames and try something with it.

Dave Croft
April 30th, 2004, 04:25 PM
Thanks a lot Frank for the info and links - it is much appreciated.


Ignacio Rodriguez
May 17th, 2004, 07:39 PM
> never output anything that hasn't been
> run through the Curves filter

Which filter? Which NLE? I use the free Stib's plugs for Final Cut, they are great.

Frank Ladner
May 18th, 2004, 06:30 AM
Ignacio: I use Curves in After Effects.

I have recently started playing around with Vegas' Curves filter, as well.