View Full Version : no sound through headphones

Krishna Narayanamurti
April 27th, 2004, 03:13 PM
Hi, my DVX100a had been working perfectly for the past few months, but all of a sudden the headphone jack seems to have some sort of problem.

This first happened during a shoot last week. My camera operator was monitoring the sound through a pair of Sony headphones when all of a sudden the sound just stopped coming through the phones. We tried the phones through a different camcorder and they worked fine. We also tried playing back the audio on the dvx100a _without_ the phones plugged in and you could hear the sound just fine through the internal speaker.

I've tried turning the camera off again, on again, tried manipulating every audio control on the camera, tried plugging in a different pair of headphones, but still no luck.

Any ideas why the sound won't come through the headphones anymore?


Bill Sloggatt
July 20th, 2004, 03:37 PM
Hello Krishna I wonder did you ever find an answer to your question?

I am having the same issue. My sound guy says he didn't change any internal settings.

I am thinking it could just be a hardware failure and bring to the shop.

Bill Sloggatt

Krishna Narayanamurti
July 21st, 2004, 10:22 PM
Sorry, Bill. I never found out what was wrong with it. Someone on another site suggested it might be dirt or grease trapped inside the jack and to try blowing it with compressed air to clean it out, and I did that, but still no luck.

I'm using my second DVX as my primary camera now and eventually I'll take the one with the bad headphone jack in for servicing.

Daniel Runyon
August 3rd, 2004, 12:15 PM
Make sure the monitor volume (on top of the DVX) is turned up.

Jesse Bekas
August 6th, 2004, 09:56 PM
It is possible that the jack got jostled enough at some point that it isn't making a connection internally any more. I have heard others recommend using head phones with an L-shaped plug to avoid any undue stress being put on the port. With a straight plug, more length sticks straight out from the port leaving just slightly more chance of being banged into, jostling the input.