View Full Version : Please upload frame grabs of Chromatic Aberration

Tim Dashwood
August 7th, 2009, 06:14 PM
Please upload your worst frame grabs (in full resolution please) of.

1. Green/Magenta fringing on high-contrast edges

2. Green at top/Magenta at bottom (or vise-versa) aberration requiring white shading adjustment.

3. Split-screen Effect (if anyone still gets it.)

Use the "Manage Attachments" button when you post a reply to upload a still frame. Please also mention which lens you used.

As some of you may already know I've been working on writing a FCP/Avid/AE/Motion plugin solution to compensate for the types of chromatic aberration inherit in the old stock 16x5.5 lens. It would help if I had more real-world samples.


Eugen Oprina
August 10th, 2009, 06:07 AM
HM 700, 3,5X13,F2
The elbow.
A plugin to solve this issue will be very welcome.
Good luck

Kennedy Maxwell
October 4th, 2009, 07:26 PM
Tim -

Have you been able to complete your plug-in for chromatic aberration?



Tim Dashwood
October 5th, 2009, 01:21 AM
I'm sorry to say it's actually pretty low on my personal priority list. I have the Complete Guide to ProHD Volume II DVD, Stereo3D Toolbox support/development and my day-to-day clients taking up 100% of my time right now.
I have had some success with CA compensation in FCP but it isn't ready for primetime yet.

Claude Mangold
February 22nd, 2010, 02:13 AM
Eugen,doesn't this look more like fringing ? you've got a shady underside of elbow against a very bright (maybe even in parts blown) surface on the wall. and on the dark blue edge of dress next.

I'm not really sure any digital cam could handle such enormous contrast without any side effects.

For me, I'd be worried about the green rim on the wall top, and aren't there just hints of real CA in the out-of-focus metal fence?

I'll upload some images of CA with a Zeiss Prime soon. at deliberately blown whites.