View Full Version : GL2 - Australia

Clint Newman
April 26th, 2004, 03:29 PM

I live in Australia and am looking at purchasing a GL2 (not the XM2)

I know the GL2 is NTSC. Just wanting to know what you guys think about this. Will this cause me any problems in Australia? Will it be that I can only playback on an NTSC TV?

I am looking at doing some video editing. Will i still be able to upload movies to my PC?

Any advice will be a great help


Jeff Price
April 26th, 2004, 04:09 PM
It won't cause any problems with editing on your computer - computers don't care whether you work in PAL or NTSC. That said, if you decide you always need to convert to PAL in order to watch the footage then you probably want to get the XM2. You can convert back and forth but it may be more hassle than it is worth.

Whether you can play the footage on your TV depends on the TV and the system Australia uses. Some newer TVs may be able to handle multiple formats so you'll need to read your TV manual to see.

Adrian Douglas
April 26th, 2004, 11:26 PM
Nearly all TVs less than about 10years old should be able to playback NTSC and yes you computer doesn't care what format the video is. The question is why would you want to use NTSC, it has no advantages over PAL.

Clint Newman
April 27th, 2004, 03:14 AM

I dont have a reason why I would use NTSC over pal.

A friend in the US is selling is GL2 to me at a very good price.

So I wanted to see if there would be any problems.

Thanks for your replies. It was a great help


Andrew Hogan
April 27th, 2004, 08:39 PM
I think you would be better off paying a bit extra and getting an XM2. In the future you may want to get an extra camera or use your camera and a friends PAL camera to do a 2 camera shoot then, you won't be able to capture their footage with an NTSC camera or use it in your NTSC sequence.
One day when your GL2 dies you wont' be able to capture footage from your vast library of tapes as you no longer have an NTSC cam. (you could buy a deck though...) Higher res here in PAL land too, stick with it and make superior PAL DVDs.

Clint Newman
April 28th, 2004, 06:07 AM
OK.. thanks for the points.

Where is a good place to purchase the XM2 in aust? and what is a good price?

Ohh I live near birsbane.


Andrew Hogan
April 28th, 2004, 04:28 PM
I got mine from Fletchers Fotographics but Ted's Camera store is good too. I have seen ads in Australian Video Camera Magazine by KentHiFi for the XM2 with a Manfrotto fluid head tripod, storm case and Hoya filter for $A5300 on special. I don't know what that company is like though. I would also check out DVT in Sydney and Lemac in Sydney too, but I'm sure theres somewhere in Brissie also.

Joe Lloyd
May 9th, 2004, 04:53 PM

If you havent already gotten one, check out my post in the classifieds section

Yohann Kouam
May 10th, 2004, 01:42 AM
check out at globalmediapro it's a nz based store with good prices.


Joe Lloyd
May 11th, 2004, 03:45 PM
If you go new go with either or expandore

Global media charges you shipping even if you pickup in nz

Yohann Kouam
May 11th, 2004, 04:43 PM
yeah but don't you have to pay customs with biz-max and expandore since it's out of the continent?

Cliff Elliott
May 14th, 2004, 01:11 AM
Clint I purchased an XM2 from Videoguys Australia about six months ago and I found they offered the best deal around at the time, give them a go, you will find their advert in Austalian Video Camera Magazine.

As for getting a GL2 I suggest not, if you are serious about editing and spreading your final productions far and wide the NTSC format will have you eventually pulling your hair out.

Regards, Cliff Elliott.