Zack Birlew
April 24th, 2004, 09:23 AM
Hi, has anybody made any successful blowups to film with the DVX100? I'm wondering as I'm considering a DVX100A or AJ-SDX900 for my next camera (Varicam is just a little out of my reach ^_^). I hear 24p is supposed to help out blowups but I've not heard a single thing about someone actually doing a DVX blowup to film yet. Also, is there a "resolution loss" when using 24p ala Canon's Frame mode? What would be a good resolution for film blowup anyway and how much would frame mode/24p affect the blowup (besides obvious issues like grain and pixellation during fast scenes)? Sony PD170 got enough? What about the DVX and AJ-SDX900?
Barry Green
April 24th, 2004, 09:06 PM
I've blown it up to 35mm, and am supposed to screen it on Tuesday (hopefully the screening will come through).
24P gives you a resolution INCREASE, instead of the "frame mode" resolution DECREASE of the XL1. In progressive mode the DVX can use thin line detail, which bypasses the interlace vertical blur filter built into all interlaced cameras. The result is that you end up with a full 480 lines of resolution, vs. the 360-line max possible on an interlaced camera (and 320 lines in "frame mode").
24P should deliver a sharper image on a film transfer. 60i cameras like the PD170 have to have their 60i footage converted to 24 frames, and the process involves blending fields together, which lowers resolution. The DVX copies its frames frame-for-frame to film. And those frames are higher-res than any interlaced 60i camera. So it should be the best film-transfer camera.
Zack Birlew
April 25th, 2004, 10:59 AM
Thanks! This has helped me greatly in my camera choice! DVX100A or AJ-SDX900 it is! >=)