View Full Version : $1000 shopping spree

Noah Posnick
April 20th, 2004, 03:46 PM
Right now I have the following in my kit:
2 c+ stands
2 cheap, lightweight lightstands
1 mole-richardson 1k nooklite
1 mole-richardson tweenie
1 mole-richardson midget
1 arri 650 fresnel
3 arri 300 fresnel
3 ltm pepper 420
Each light has complete barndoor and scrim package
I also have various clamps

I've had a recent influx of money and have about a thousand dollars I'd like to spend on equipment. I wanted to know the opinion of the members on this board: What should I get? I was thinking of maybe a lowel rifa or some kind of other softlight. I probably also need a few more cheap stands. Right now I'm using the equipment for DV short films and fashion photography.

Ken Tanaka
April 20th, 2004, 05:15 PM
It looks like you have a pretty good kit right now, Noah. I'm sure many people will be glad to chime-in with what they believe you should buy with your small windfall.

The fact that you've posed such a question suggests that you don't feel a strong need for anything right now. If that's the case, I'd recommend not feeling predisposed to spending -anything-. Put you small windfall into a short-term investment (a 3-6 mo. CD, a money market fund, and wait until you really need it. To simply spend money on gear for the sake of spending money is foolish.

Noah Posnick
April 20th, 2004, 07:18 PM
I understand what you're saying, but I only know what I am limited to. That's why I'm asking for people's suggestions,. So that maybe I'll learn of something useful and helpful that I can add to my kit.

Ken Tanaka
April 20th, 2004, 08:20 PM
Well, that's an expensive way to learn but OK!

So the one big, nasty, glaring missing piece of stuff from your kit list is a good soft box such as a Photoflex or Chimera. It's an essential for most people. For a complete kit you'll need the soft box, a speed ring for one of your Arri's and an soft egg crate for the soft box. That will put a productive dent in that hot $1K!

(Yes, the Rifa would also provide a soft box but with enough instruments to light Shea Stadium you probably don't really need another instrument. The Rifa is best for run-and-gun headhunters.)

Barry Green
April 20th, 2004, 11:14 PM
Or you could address your softlight needs a few different ways...

You could buy a small JTL softlight kit, there's a guy on ebay who sells 'em new, a 1-light kit is under $200, two for about $375, three for $500. Include stands that may be better than the ones you have.

Or, you could pick up a 2k Mole-Richardson Ziplight off ebay, they go for under $200 and it's an all-in-one softlight solution.

Or, and if I were you this is the way I'd go, you could get something like a Kino Flo Diva 400 for around $1000. You've got a lot of lights but they're all hot, power-hungry tungsten. The Diva would give you a luxurious soft light that's perfect for interviews, etc. Very friendly to the subject, and with daylight tubes you'd have a daylight-balanced light as well.

Dan Brown
April 21st, 2004, 07:22 AM
Maybe a generator?

Spare bulbs, cords, and some extrat grip stuff?



K. Forman
April 21st, 2004, 07:31 AM
Or you could stash the cash, and save up for an Alesis Diva hard disk audio recorder, just about $8,000.

K. Forman
April 21st, 2004, 08:09 AM
Noah- What is it that you do? Is it studio or location? Film, weddings or events? That might help to figure out where to invest that money.

Jim Sofranko
April 21st, 2004, 02:08 PM
I am very happy with the Photoflex I recently purchased for interviews/portraits. I wish I had a small complement of fresnals such as yours to add to it.

So the Photoflex is my recommendation. B&H sells the Photoflex Starlight Location kit at:

The kit is well outfitted, of good build quality, and seems to be a fairly good bargain at $589 for what you get.

Noah Posnick
April 21st, 2004, 05:42 PM
Thanks for all of your replies, they've been helpful. I do mostly studio fashion photography. And also I do DV short films, which generally consist mostly of interiors. As of now I'm thinking of going for a softbox. Either the photoflex Starlight Location Kit Jim mentioned (thanks Jim) or the JTL everlite softlight kit that Barry mentioned. The photoflex kit gives me a more powerful light and a better build, while the JTL gives me the flexibility of 3 lower wattage lights for a little bit cheaper. I'm really torn on which to get. Opinions? I think the remaining cash I'm just going to keep in the bank for a later time.

K. Forman
April 21st, 2004, 05:57 PM
I had decided, if I were to ever get a studio, I would love to have a few banks of cool fluorescent lights. For location lights, I want some solid stands, and possibly a balloon light- if affordable ;)

Jim Sofranko
April 21st, 2004, 08:46 PM
The Photoflex Starlite can also be lamped with a lower wattage 500w bulb. I like the grid, louvers and circle-mask accessory controls that come with the kit. Using the grid with the double diffusion cuts down a lot of the light from the 1000w lamp in the head.

I was a gaffer for about 15 years before I started shooting 8 years ago. What impresses me with the Photoflex is the quality of the light as well as the accesories for control. The light has a real nice sweet spot when positioned properly.

Ken Tanaka
April 22nd, 2004, 03:53 PM
So now you're selling your Arri's and Peppers (

Bryan Beasleigh
April 22nd, 2004, 04:02 PM
You could utilize what you already have by buying a cinedome. They're built with a longer throat to accomodate fresnels.

A photoflex with a Tota is less expensive than the Star Llight kit plus you can lamp it very reasonabley. The lamps are also available more readily. The same holds true for the chimera, they have a rig similar to the starlight and it usess the same lamps

Noah Posnick
April 22nd, 2004, 04:37 PM
Yes, I'm selling two of each. I never really needed so many lower wattage lights. I was shooting a short film though that had weird scheduling and it was more economically efficient to buy the lights and then sell them after we were done shooting (yesterday) than rent.

Bryan, I looked at the b&h website before regarding the cinedome's but it said they were only rated at 500 watts? If I were to get a softbox and speedring for my 1k nooklite which one would work?

Right now, I'm leaning toward getting 2 JTL everlite softlights. I think they would give me the light and flexibility I want for the cheapest price. I'm just a little concerned with how well they'll hold up down the road.

Bryan Beasleigh
April 22nd, 2004, 06:33 PM
I think that a typo on B&H , the photoflex site states that the cinedome is ok to 2000 watts. I would assume that would be for the large size.

I use a medium and have a Tota with 750 watts in it.

Jim Sofranko
April 22nd, 2004, 07:14 PM
I'm not sure if buying the ring for the tota is the cheapest way out for the medium Photoflex setup. When I priced it out it seemed to be a wash to go with the tota setup.

Buying the location kit made sense for me because I got the starlite head, the medium softbox, all the accessories, 2 x 1K lamps, stand and a soft case for $589.

If you build a photoflex for your tota it adds up to about the same price but you need to use your light. With the location kit you get the extra lamps and starlite head so you can use your tota for other uses. Of course, if you don't want the accessories or the stands then it may make sense.

Bryan Beasleigh
April 23rd, 2004, 11:50 AM
Photoflex medium with louver kit at B&H is $180, Tota $110, speedring $75 and Bogen 3086 light stand (11 lb rating) $52.

That totals $417

Lamps are $14 for a 500 watt and $18 for a 750watt
Star Lire lamps are $42 for a 500 watt and $65 for a 1000 watter.

The Tota will take an HIR650 bulb that gives 1000 watts of light in a 650 watt bulb for $24. The Tota can be relamped easily but the Star Lite lamp is a special order.

On the plus side for the Star Lite is the double envelope safety lamp. The loss is negligable. Other open face lights that use a safety screen lose 30% of the light.

On the negative the Star Lite isn't as easy to tear down quickly. You have to wait until the lamp cools enough to be handled.

Jim Sofranko
April 23rd, 2004, 12:40 PM
Yes you can outfit it that way.

I was pricing the medium silverdome location kit with the accessories which include the grid ($100), louvres, rectangle, and circle masks($80). In addition it comes with the case (app $100).

So if you price it out individually it's a good deal. But if you want to keep the price lower with fewer accessories than the tota may be the best option.

I wonder if the tota affects the quality of the light output. The Starlite lamp locates itself into the center of the softbox so that it illuminates the box pretty evenly.

Bryan Beasleigh
April 23rd, 2004, 01:36 PM
The tota is a broad light with side reflectors that rotate beyond 180 degrees. That's what i use. I've noted the trade offs. One that I didn't mention is that unless you buy the $35 lamp cover you really have an unprotected lamp on the starlight. The tota folds flat.

B&H list two medium soft boxes and they're both $180 (click the email me a better price box). One of the units include the louver kit for the same money.

Jim Sofranko
April 23rd, 2004, 04:10 PM
Yeah regardless of the head I have been very happy with the light quality. Have you tried the grid? I have the louvers but haven't used them yet.