View Full Version : Storm rescources?

K. Forman
June 21st, 2002, 01:15 PM
Hello all,
I have been using the Storm edit in conjunction with Premiere. I have also read the enclosed book, and found it rather weak, for such a powerful system.

What other rescources are there, that would allow me to fully access all of Storms capabilities? Any FREE plugins available?

Chris Hurd
June 21st, 2002, 02:47 PM
Well, here's my favorite online Storm resource:

Sort of an un-official message board for Canopus users, by Canopus users. Not affiliated with the company. Superb site. Hope this helps,

K. Forman
June 21st, 2002, 03:35 PM
As always, I knew you would come through. Thanks Chris.