Jaser Stockert
April 15th, 2004, 12:43 PM
I'm looking for a boompole/on camera shockmount solution for my me64 and me66. Anyone have any experience w/ the at8415 shockmount using an me64 and me66 w/ either a softie or lightwave equalizer? From what I hear, the me66 w/ softie maybe to heavy for the at8415. What if i go w/ the k-tek k-sus bands? Will this help in handling the me66 weight w/ softie? If attached on a dvx100, will the at8415/me66 be out of the frame at it's widest angle? Rycote softie vs. lightwave equalizer...is there a difference/preference? Any cheaper solution for wind protection? Thank you for any comments and suggestions!
Scott Plowman
April 15th, 2004, 04:14 PM
I just ordered the lightwave miniscreen.. It is lower profile and from what I understand works great for everything up to gale force winds.. They have another muff to put over it for gale force.. Like we need gale force wind protection unless your doing a documentary on Hurricanes.. Link:
Daniel Runyon
April 17th, 2004, 01:03 AM
I dont know about all the rest of that stuff, but when I got my shockmount, Rush at EVS hooked me up with one that mounts both to my boompole and the shue on the camera. It's made by Sennheiser. I use it with the ME66. I am very grateful for that dual use versatility.
Jaser Stockert
April 17th, 2004, 08:47 AM
thanks guys...daniel, could that be the mzscam? i was thinking about that but i believe it has a plastic shoe mount that can easily break and does not have tilt/rotation which can be essential when placed on a boompole.
Scott Plowman
April 17th, 2004, 08:48 AM
interesting. i was going to purchase the same mount MZSCAM.. Let us know Dan.. Jaser which one do you recommend??
Daniel Runyon
April 17th, 2004, 10:33 AM
I have no idea which model it is. It does have a plastic shue mount but inside its core it has metal threads. I use it quite frequently, and until you mentioned it did not even know it was a plastic shue mount. I have not at all tried to be delicate with it, and it's far from broken. It is also rotational, but not tiltable.
Scott Plowman
April 17th, 2004, 10:58 AM
Thats an excellent book Dan 30$ film school. I ownb it as well ; )
Daniel Runyon
April 18th, 2004, 12:23 AM
Indeed. I like it not for the technical stuff...as I have much better "how to" books...but I think of it as a spiritual guide in a lot of ways. I have conversed with Michael via email and he's really an interesting individual. He used to be a homeless drug addict living in squat houses in DC, and he cleaned himself up and devoted himself to his cause and is having what I consider great personal success. I think he is awesome. If you havent already, I would definately watch his Do It Yourself Or Die DVD. It is very good despite my own surface lack of interest in most of the people he interviewed. It is truly inspirational.