View Full Version : Sharp vertical green lines?

Bo Shaheen
April 10th, 2004, 10:42 PM
I just shot a wedding outside yesterday and saw some sharp, quick vertical stripes every once in a while in my picture. I was using my camera in manual mode, something I haven't done a lot. I wondered if maybe that had something to do with it because maybe I was overexposing at times.
These lines shouldn't be confused with the big green vertical stripe that is comonly seen when and xl1s quickly pans across the sun or something really bright. I've seen that green stripe.
These stripes were very skinny and sharp as they appeared very quickly and then disappearing.
Can anyone help me out on this one.
I was using a brand new tape that I hadn't striped or blacked for timecode. Could that have possibly had something to do with it.
I've shot with my xl1s a lot and have never seen this.
Thanks, Bo

Edward Troxel
April 11th, 2004, 05:01 AM
I see green lines in two circumstances:
1) when panning across the sun as you mentioned
2) when a camera flash goes off when the xl-1 is pointed in that direction.

Don Palomaki
April 11th, 2004, 06:29 AM
Did it pick up the reflection of the sun or a flash from a shiny object such as a car finish, mirror, or similar object? Wedding, a glint from a large diamond?

Bo Shaheen
April 11th, 2004, 08:55 PM
Yes the bride did have diamond earings and a diamond necklace. But I noticed that in some shots I still saw the sharp guick streaks when there were no diamonds in the shot. I didn't see the llines all that morning. But I saw them enough that they ruined some great shots I had. I'm sure it had something to do with the bright sunny day.

Scott Sullivan
April 12th, 2004, 10:23 PM
I believe it's one of those "live with it" drawbacks of the XL-1 (and possibly other DV cameras???)

I just finished a shoot for a juggler on a full stage with theatrical lighting. We had the stage to ourselves and lit the stage for our use. I was onstage with him for an "intimate" talk and juggling session for a DVD.

I did a few shots for transitions from a low angle looking up, getting the stage lights above in frame, creating a silluette. When I looked at the footage, there were a few green lines corresponding with light flares from those lights shining right into the cam.

I thought it actually added to that specific shot, but alas, for a wedding, I can see how it would be a bad thing. Just keep the sun in mind and try and stay away from "bad" angles that would flare.

Hope this helps.
