Wendy Woodhall
June 1st, 2009, 03:18 PM
The Los Angeles Post Production Group (LAPPG) will be meeting at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, June 10th. This is a member driven organization for anyone with an interest or passion for the post-production process.
Come and help us celebrate our group’s one-year anniversary with “Final Cut Studio Guru” Larry Jordan. Larry will be presenting on how to use Adobe’s Photoshop to enhance your video images. He has also generously agreed to entertain questions from the crowd on a wide range of topics so be sure to bring your list!
As always we’ll have our amazing raffle as well as a great opportunity to network and chat. Rumor has it that there will even be a cake!
***Please note our new meeting location is at the Stoner Recreational Center at 1835 Stoner Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025. The cross street is Missouri Ave where there is a big parking lot. Street parking is also available.
Please rsvp to rsvp@lappg.com. An email confirmation will be sent.
We respectfully request a voluntary $5 donation at the door.
1835 Stoner Ave santa monica - Google Maps (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1835+Stoner+Ave+santa+monica&sll=34.039307,-118.452787&sspn=0.009602,0.016286&g=1830+Stoner+Ave+Santa+Monica&ie=UTF8&ll=34.035377,-118.454375&spn=0.019204,0.032573&z=15)
Come and help us celebrate our group’s one-year anniversary with “Final Cut Studio Guru” Larry Jordan. Larry will be presenting on how to use Adobe’s Photoshop to enhance your video images. He has also generously agreed to entertain questions from the crowd on a wide range of topics so be sure to bring your list!
As always we’ll have our amazing raffle as well as a great opportunity to network and chat. Rumor has it that there will even be a cake!
***Please note our new meeting location is at the Stoner Recreational Center at 1835 Stoner Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025. The cross street is Missouri Ave where there is a big parking lot. Street parking is also available.
Please rsvp to rsvp@lappg.com. An email confirmation will be sent.
We respectfully request a voluntary $5 donation at the door.
1835 Stoner Ave santa monica - Google Maps (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1835+Stoner+Ave+santa+monica&sll=34.039307,-118.452787&sspn=0.009602,0.016286&g=1830+Stoner+Ave+Santa+Monica&ie=UTF8&ll=34.035377,-118.454375&spn=0.019204,0.032573&z=15)