David Walding
April 8th, 2004, 12:28 AM
I am trying to decide on a second camera well actually a third camera. I have the XL1s and a Gl2 I need a third camera and was wondering what you guys thought of using the DVX100 with the Xl1s and GL2 to record the same events. I was wondering how much different the frame mode and 24P would match up? Would this be wise or should I go with another XL1s or GL2. I really like the 24p mode of the Panasonic but unfortunately I have never been able to see one in action so I am hoping that some of you have seen both can compare the two in matching shot's I just don't want drastically different footage.
Thanks in advance.
Ken Tanaka
April 8th, 2004, 12:49 AM
Hello David,
I have all three of these cameras (please take pity on me). I've never tried to match the DVX100A with the other two. Offhand, however, I would say that it would be a challenge. Forget about matching with 24P. That's practically out of the question, sans some tricky post-production work on the XL/GL footage. I'd say that you would have a reasonable chance matching Canon's frame mode with the DVX's 30P, although it will require some heavy futzing to balance the color saturation and other characteristics. Ditto for shooting in Normal mode on the Canons and 60i on the DVX, although this might be the easiest to normalize, depending on the nature of your work. The DVX really is in a different world from the Canons in terms of imaging as well as basic camera handling. Regarding the latter, it's not as well suited for casual / event shooting as the Canons.
To be honest, if you shoot critical commercial work and really feel you need simultaneous use of a third camera I recommend staying with a Canon XL/GL. Otherwise you'll likely find that you're spending far too much time trying to make these kids play nice with each other.
David Walding
April 8th, 2004, 10:04 AM
Thanks for the reply, so I would be better off trying to keep in the same camera family for matching shot's. The only thing that I was thinking of doing was maybe use the Pany for some interview type shot's but oh well. So which one produces the nicest shot's? ;-)
I don't guess there is going to be any news on an XL2 before NAB if it will be announced or a newer GL2. I would hate to buy one and then they announce a newer version a week or two after I buy one. I know it's only a week or two away but I need another cam quickly for some work coming up.
Robert Mann Z.
April 8th, 2004, 10:16 AM
i also have all 3 cameras and the real problem with matching the dvx and xl1 for me was picture sharpness, i was able to come with very close color profile, but the dvx stands out with it's very sharp lens...
i recomend waiting for nab, maybe gl3 might be the answer, if you need it to day get a canon share resources