View Full Version : Image Quality with the Agus.

Trevor Trombley
April 7th, 2004, 01:41 PM
So if i make my Agus, and I shoot a film both with my regular Camcorder lenses, and the Agus 35mm.

How much of a difference can I expect from the two formats?

The reason I ask this is that if I shoot with both, how much tweaking in post will I have to do to make them look similar, of course I can't achieve the shallow depth of field, but many have mentioned that the Agus gives a soft look to the image.

Just curious.


Agus Casse
April 8th, 2004, 11:34 AM
I would recomend first try and make the adapter, then you will know. There is not a lot of diference...

Bob Hart
April 18th, 2004, 09:13 PM

If you have a look at there are a lot of frame captures and one or two test patterns which will give you an idea.

The images are not organised into any sort of system. Start with the most recent dates and work back might be best.

With a good relay lens, the basic AGUS35 will resolve to the practical limits of a PD150P when meticulous care is taken with the two stages of focus, objective lens to groundglass. Groundglass into camcorder.

Louis Demontez
April 26th, 2004, 08:23 PM
Aprt from the obvious SDOF.I've noticed using the agus does provider a "softer" look to your footage. Capturing and depicting colours more acurrately.