View Full Version : Thanks Ken!

Glenn Gipson
April 5th, 2004, 10:34 AM
That was an excellent comparison article, and exemplary test, that you did between the Sennheiser mics. I must admit, before listening to your comparisons between those mics, I was pretty ignorant of how different mics can record sound so...differently. Thanks a million! It would be great if there were many more sound comparisons on the net between different mics, though.

Ken Tanaka
April 5th, 2004, 11:04 AM
I am glad you found it informative! Indeed, these are such relatively simple a/b comparisons to prepare you have to wonder why you don't see more of them.

(Glenn is referring to this comparison ( of the Sennheiser ME66 and MKH416 microphones.)

Bryan Beasleigh
April 5th, 2004, 11:41 AM
They're out there. I put up some examples of Rode, Sennheiser, AKG, Oktava, Neumann, AT and Schoeps.

Matt Gettemeier did some others in WMA that I could email you. Matt did some excellent comparisons with the AT4073, Oktava, NTK, NT1000 and NT2000.
Dave Largent has some samples at the above link as well. Daves samples include Neaumann KSM184, AT 4073/4071, ME64, AKG D230 and sanken CS-1.

Martin Garison has a kick as$ comparison Voice Over between a Neumann TLM103 and an Oktava MCO12. The TLM 103 is barely better, not $850 worth though.

Most of the samples are compared to the ME66, simply because it'sthe most common mic out there.