View Full Version : Ebay Listings Forum Guidelines

Chris Hurd
August 4th, 2009, 07:36 PM
You can use this forum to post links to your Ebay auctions, as
long as the items are *relevant* to DV Info Net members, i.e.,
items directly related to digital media content creation.

Post editing is disabled in this forum... if you need to change
a listing, just post a reply with the corrected information.

There's really one major policy rule which governs this process:

Do NOT post a *For Sale* ad and a *For Auction* listing for the same item at the same time.

An item can be listed as being either for sale, or for auction, but not both at
the same time -- this goes for Buy It Now (BIN) listings on Ebay too. If you
have something on Ebay either for Auction or for Buy It Now, then it needs
to be posted in our Ebay forum and *not* in Private Classifieds.

If you post it for sale in Private Classifieds and decide later on to put it on
Ebay instead, then that's not a problem -- just post a reply to your Classifieds
listing saying that you've moved it to Ebay (be sure to add the link). Just make
sure you give it a few days, though. It shouldn't appear to be simultaneously
listed in Classifieds and on Ebay at the same time.

The only other thing to keep in mind is: you're on your own
as far as Ebay is concerned. DV Info Net cannot mitigate disputes
arising from Ebay transactions; it is a separate entity which is not
related to DV Info Net. Please read carefully the Ebay Buyer's Guide
prepared by Dylan Couper which is found in our Articles section:

How to: Not Get Scammed on Ebay (

We've also included a sub-forum on the Ebay board which
automatically feeds relevant auction listings. Hope this helps,

Terry Wall
July 10th, 2013, 03:23 PM
Hi, Chris! My apologies as I pulled the trigger a bit quickly when I posted a listing for my Canon XL2 and forgot to include the link to eBay. I wanted to go back and either edit or add a note below as a "reply," but noticed that the listing is "Closed," and I can't make any adjustments to it. Please advise. bad!