View Full Version : WD-58H and macro

Scott Roberts
April 4th, 2004, 05:47 PM

i just found this forum, and it's been very helpful with
the questions that i have about shooting macro (and
yes, i've read all the previous threads.)

i'm doing a video close-up of a person, with a coverage
area of about the size of the eye. i can get this with
the normal macro (zoomed out, about 2 inches from
the face), but it would make things a bit easier if i
could be a little further away (i'm worried about casting
a shadow, and actually bumping into the subject.)

does the WD-58H have ANY effect on the standard
macro function? even a little bit would tip the scales
towards me buying it, since i want it anyways. or is
my only real option one of the century precision optics
diopters (a little expensive at $210)? any advice as
to which one, +2, +4 or +7, would be best for all-around

thanks for your reply, and for all the help you've (collectively)
already given me!


Robin Davies-Rollinson
April 5th, 2004, 01:06 AM
The WD-58H will lessen the minimum focus distance compared to the standard internal lens. The downside is that you can't get as tight (since you're starting with a wider angle.)
A diopter is always the better way to lower your focus distance.
Still, the WD-58H is a nice piece of glass - much better than the cheaper alternatives, so treat yourself anyway. You won't regret it.)


Graham Bernard
April 5th, 2004, 01:30 AM
Yup, WD58 here - excellent lens .. used it recently for a "tight" shot . . made all the difference for the client and has already paid for itself over the last 1 year. Don't use it all the time but when I do I'm always amazed at the quality and the "lack" of peripheral "bending" . . .technical term is ? .. . Anways it works for me and it look-s-kool on the front of the cammie too!
