Ryan Merrick
April 4th, 2004, 09:54 AM
I'm in the pre-purchase stage of a video editing/dvd authoring system. I need to be able to create a 5.1 DD mix from stereo. Pretty much a psuedo-5.1 mix (if that makes sense). What software will I need to do this? I was planning on getting Adobe's Video Collection, will this work?
Ted Springer
April 4th, 2004, 03:36 PM
You mean like virtual Pro Logic or something? I don't know about Windows, but on the Mac there is a program called "A. Pack" and that lets you encode stereo AC3 (Dolby Digital) files, with an option to turn Pro Logic on or off. The bitstream then tells the receiver whether to decode as Pro Logic Surround or just leave it alone and play it as stereo. I imagine Windows AC3 encoders work the same way. (?)
Jonathan Stanley
April 4th, 2004, 08:23 PM
Yes the video collection from Adobe will work for this.