View Full Version : freeze frame on premiere cs4

Ed Kukla
August 4th, 2009, 08:31 AM
I'm using premiere CS4. I have a clip I'd like to freeze about 3/4 of the way in and carry that freeze to the end.
I used the time remapping feature and it froze the entire clip using the point I chose. Worst of all, I cannot undo it!

How do I undo the frozen clip?

How do I freeze the clip at a chosen point and carry that freeze frame to the end.

I've read the online instructions at adobe and they didn't work for me.


Battle Vaughan
August 4th, 2009, 08:58 AM
(1) Export a still image made at the point you want to freeze then drop it on the timeline at the same point. Extend as needed, if not enough, drop multiple copies...

(2) You should be able to delete the frozen clip from your timeline and just reimport it from Bridge or the media I missing something, sounds like there is a problem I'm not catching onto.....? / Battle Vaughan/ video team

Ed Kukla
August 4th, 2009, 09:17 AM

I thought of the frame grab idea after I posted. I thought it would be easier than that, but no big deal.

I am suprised I can't figure out how to delete the effect I added. It froze the whole clip. I had added resizing and other effects so I don't want to start over.

Battle Vaughan
August 4th, 2009, 12:13 PM
The usual remove effects is:
Remove selected effects from a clip
1 Select the clip in a Timeline panel. To make sure that only one clip is selected, click an empty space in the Timeline,
then click the clip. Click a spot in the time ruler above the selected clip to move the current-time indicator to that
2 In the Effect Controls panel, select the effect or effects you want to remove. To select more than one, Ctrl-click
(Windows), or Command-click (Mac OS) the effects.
Note: You cannot remove Fixed effects: Motion, Opacity, Time Remapping, or Volume.
3 Do one of the following:
• Press Delete or Backspace.
• Choose Remove Selected Effect from the Effect Controls panel menu.
Remove all effects from a clip
1 Select the clip in a Timeline panel. To make sure that only one clip is selected, click an empty space in the Timeline,
then click the clip. Click a spot in the time ruler above the selected clip to move the current-time indicator to that
2 Do one of the following:
• From the Effect Controls panel menu, choose Remove Effects
• Select Clip > Remove Effects
• Right-click a clip in a Timeline panel, and select Remove Effects.
3 in the Remove Effects dialog box, select the types of effects you want to remove, and click OK.
All selected applied effect types are removed from the clip and all selected intrinsic effects are returned to their default

Your clip is frozen, can you access the effects panel for that clip at all? /bv

Adam Gold
August 4th, 2009, 12:24 PM
Note: You cannot remove Fixed effects: Motion, Opacity, Time Remapping, or Volume. I think that's the problem; Ed said he used Time Remapping to do the Freeze. But in the effects control window, if you froze the clip, by Time Remapping it should say 0%. Can't you just change this to 100%?

If not, you may have to delete the entire clip from the timeline and start over.

I'm still on CS3, but here's a much easier way to do the freeze frame (I assume CS4 is similar, but of course I could be wrong):

Razor the clip on the timeline at the frame you want to hold. Then select the second "half" of the clip you just created, right click and from the flyout menu choose "Frame Hold" (or something like that). Tell it to hold on the first frame, and then you can shrink or stretch this clip to set the duration of the hold. If you screw it up you can always just delete the second half, stretch the first half back to its original length and start over.

Battle Vaughan
August 4th, 2009, 01:00 PM
Yes, I overlooked that method (applying Final Cut experience to PPro, here...:) ) but here is some info that might be helpful:
Remove the Time Remapping effect
You cannot toggle the Time Remapping effect on and off like other effects. Enabling and disabling Time Remapping
affects the duration of the clip instance in a Timeline. In effect, Time Remapping performs an edit. However, you can
use the Toggle Animation control in the Effect Controls panel.
1 Click the Effect Controls tab to make this panel active.
2 Click the triangle next to Time Remapping to open it.
3 Click the Toggle Animation button next to the word Speed, to set it to the off position.
This action deletes any existing speed keyframes, and disables Time Remapping for the selected clip.
Note: To re-enable Time Remapping, click the Toggle Animation button back to the on position. You cannot use Time
Remapping with this button in the off position. (from CS4 help files) ...... /bvaughan

Ed Kukla
August 4th, 2009, 06:57 PM
I got the freeze frame removed but it then caused the gausian blurr that faded up to blur the entire clip! I deleted that and it kept coming back. Had to close out and reboot to get everything cleaned up. I've got the blur back in place. Will get back to the freeze frame tomorrow...


Tripp Woelfel
August 4th, 2009, 09:17 PM
Here's the idiot method I've been using for a dog's age. On the timeline, cut the clip at the frame where you want the freeze to start. Right click on the part of the newly split clip that's later in the timeline. On your right. Right click and select "Frame Hold" click on "In point" then click OK. Done.

The nice deal about this is if you want an earlier or later freeze point, hit the "N" key to change the tool into the Ripple Edit tool (I think) and slide the edit point to where you want it. This will work with time remapping as the playback speed remains constant. I don't know what will happen if you do it on a ramp, but I don't think it would be pretty.

To freeze then move, right click the earlier clip and select "Frame Hold">"Out Point". Everything else is the same.

Adam Gold
August 4th, 2009, 10:05 PM
Here's the idiot method I've been using for a dog's age. On the timeline, cut the clip at the frame where you want the freeze to start. Right click on the part of the newly split clip that's later in the timeline. On your right. Right click and select "Frame Hold" click on "In point" then click OK. Done.That's brilliant. Wish I'd thought to mention that in post #5... ;->

I guess great minds think alike. Either that or we're equally deranged...

Tripp Woelfel
August 7th, 2009, 05:49 AM
Adam... That's what I get for not reading all of the previous posts before I chime in.

I just saw a bunch of people really overtaking the plumbing with time remapping, frame grabs and the like. I just wanted to cut to the chase.

I love my ADD.

Adam Gold
August 7th, 2009, 03:40 PM
I love it too, Tripp; I was just tweaking you a little...

I agree that it's fascinating to see all the complex hoops people sometimes jump through (especially when exporting) when there are many easier ways to skin a cat. I guess that's where the value of these forums comes in...