Thomas Roberts
July 28th, 2009, 02:38 PM
How is everyone encoding the H264 into Vegas? Are you using MPEG streamclip? I converted a few clips via MPEG Streamclip from H264 to AVI's.
What works for you in Sony Vegas Pro? Canon 5D images....
Bram Corstjens
July 28th, 2009, 03:02 PM
I'm currently working in Vegas on a rather large project shot with a Mark II.
What I did:
I loaded OSX on my pc (yes, the hacked one) and used After Effects C.S 4 to transcode all clips to Apple ProRes 4-2-2 1920x1080 (You can also use Final Cut or Premiere)
Those ProRes files can actually be used on Windows (Vegas or Premiere) because Quicktime has a ProRes decoder. Just install the latest quicktime.
Playback on Vegas is rather good. I can have realtime 30fps playback with 2 effects loaded! (black & white and contrast / brightness adjustments)
However I do have some bad news... for some reasons unknown to mankind, Vegas recently started behaving like its a pre-alpha program or something:
Random hangs, out of memory messages when opening projects, unable to open the project the first try (second try it magically works!) Im running the 64 bit version, but the 32 bit version couldn't even open the last 5 saved (by the 64 bit version) projects at all. As a last resort I exported to a EDL and re-imported again. This 'fixed' the problem of the 32 bit version being unable to open the projects saved by the 64 bit version, but the rest of the bugs is still there...
Its near being unworkable. But the weird thing is, it worked like a charm until 2 days ago! I even installed an image of WinXP SP3 64 bit (im running Windows 7 RTM) That image was created when there were no problems at all, but even that doesn't help... Needless to say I did try other solutions: Trying Vegas Pro 9.0a instead of 9.0, reinstalling, running as administrator, updating video drivers etc etc...
I looks like Vegas just goes totally NUTS when you reach a certain number of clips and/or megabytes of footage... (using ProRes 422 that is)
Maybe it works for you, but my advise is to test deeply (load lots of prores 422 clips!) and see what happens!
Chris Barcellos
July 28th, 2009, 03:31 PM
Using NeoScene from Cineform to transcode to edit.
Thomas Roberts
July 28th, 2009, 04:42 PM
Has anyone compared MPEG stream clip to Neoscene?
Sean Seah
July 28th, 2009, 08:13 PM
So far Neoscene works well for me. Except V9a x64 doesnt read the avi. V9a x32 and V8c works well
Chris Barcellos
July 28th, 2009, 10:09 PM
Has anyone compared MPEG stream clip to Neoscene?
I downloaded streamclip, and converted to an AVI file. I didn't adjust settings for a 2.5 minute clip. I rendered out an AVI file. It seemed pretty clean in playback. File size was 7 gigs though, from a .75 gig original, and it took about 10 or 12 minutes to convert. I did the same file with NeoScene, render in about 1 and half minute to two minutes. Resulting file was 2 gig. Playback was similar to the Streamclip though I think Neoscene result has a bit more range, consistant with NeoScene claim that it adjust level values properly in the conversion process. Neoscene also retimes the footage to 29.97 frps, so on the Vegas time line, it isa bit longer against the streamclip, and the orginal files.