View Full Version : The Difficult Truth

Ethan Cooper
July 28th, 2009, 08:41 AM
(honestly, this is about vDSLR's)

I've been struggling lately with my growing contempt of my former love interest. For the sake of this conversation we'll call her Niki.

Niki started out looking really good to me, sure she wasn't quite as good looking as her Japanese cousin (Candi) but she was pretty in her own way and I loved her for that. Unfortunately after spending more and more time with her there were flaws that became apparent, annoying and just plain difficult to overlook any further. Then Candi had some work done and suddenly a few flaws they shared that had made me feel a little better about being with Niki were gone and my feeling of resentment began to arise. I mean if Candi could fix some of her flaws fairly easily why did Niki refuse even after I made it clear that they bothered me and could seriously affect our relationship?

It's difficult to feel stuck in a bad relationship but I've got a lot invested in this already, it would cost me dearly to get out and make a run at her cousin. I also have to confess that I'm still here with that woman because my pride won't allow me to admit that I was wrong all along, part of me is still hoping she'll change, that things will get better even though deep down inside I know nothing is going to be any different tomorrow.

Part of this is my fault as well for trying to make her something she's not, projecting my expectations on her and asking her to meet them. That's on me. When seen in this light, maybe all this is all my fault, maybe my own selfishness is to blame.

Why do I say it's my own selfishness? Well, if I'm being completely honest with myself when I'm laying in bed at night I wish Niki was Scarlet her American second cousin. I knew about Scarlet before I met Niki, even saw a picture or two and was completely enthralled with everything I was hearing. She was my dream girl, but she was untouchable, you could even say unavailable and it made me want her more. So when I got involved with Niki it was really Scarlet I wanted all along. Honestly, Scarlet is probably the only one out there who can really live up to what I'm looking for. It's just wrong of me to expect Niki or Candi to be Scarlet and that would explain my feelings of contempt and disgust when I look at them but I had to fill my need for someone and took what I could get at the time.

That's my situation and I think many of you are in the same boat. In the mean time I guess we can only do as the old song says, "if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with"

Chris Hurd
July 28th, 2009, 08:50 AM would cost me dearly to get out...How so? This gear seems to hold its value fairly well.

Ethan Cooper
July 28th, 2009, 08:52 AM
How so? This gear seems to hold its value fairly well.

don't question me in the midst of my anguish

Stephen Mick
July 28th, 2009, 08:53 AM
A threesome.

Martin Labelle
July 28th, 2009, 09:22 AM
In the mean time I guess we can only do as the old song says, "if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with"

another song says:

It's cheaper to keep her
It is cheaper to keep her

When your little girl makes you mad
You get an attitude and pack your bag
Five little children that you're leaving behind
You're gonna pay some alimony or do some time

It's cheaper to keep her (Cheaper to keep her)
It's cheaper to keep her (Cheaper to keep her)

Ethan Cooper
July 28th, 2009, 09:46 AM
...and next time on "As the Shutter Rolls" Ethan deals with codec envy.

Brian Boyko
July 28th, 2009, 09:57 AM
You think that's bad? I set up a date with Penny Sonic two and a half weeks ago, and not only has she not shown up yet, I called her parents, and they said they don't even know where she is or when she'll be back.

Ethan Cooper
July 28th, 2009, 10:01 AM
You think that's bad? I set up a date with Penny Sonic two and a half weeks ago, and not only has she not shown up yet, I called her parents, and they said they don't even know where she is or when she'll be back.

Oh crap, how could I leave out Penny? Totally failed on that one. Trying to make "mud" fit into the story would have been difficult though.

Dave Blackhurst
July 28th, 2009, 10:08 AM
Personally I'm still waiting for "Sunny" to show up to the party - if she's a twin to my current still steady gal, with a little more "motion", like the rumour says, I'll be at least dancing with her... I think "Sunny" is on some secretive spy mission or something...

Paul Mailath
July 28th, 2009, 04:49 PM
Thank you Ethan for a great big belly laugh - that was funny - and touching in a metalic sort of way.

Andrew Smith
July 29th, 2009, 01:27 AM
... and all I can think of (to chime in with) is whether he is a "lens man" or not.


Ervin Farkas
July 29th, 2009, 05:32 AM
How so? This gear seems to hold its value fairly well.
But divorce attorneys charge a lot nowadays...

Counseling, Ethan, counseling - that's what you need! See, this is why time spent on DVInfo is so precious to me; helps me make the right choice between... um... cousins.

Mark Kenfield
July 30th, 2009, 07:14 PM
Ethan, I think you need to reconsider your belief in monogamy. I mean come on, it's 2009 man! These girls know what's up, they know they've only got (at best) about 18-24 months with you before you trade them in for someone younger.

I think you'll find they're actually quite open to sharing you if it means keeping you for a little longer. So embrace that. Free love baby, free love*.

* by "free" I actually mean "many thousands of dollars", but who can put a price on love?

Ger Griffin
August 3rd, 2009, 11:48 AM
I found out recently Penny sonic wont open up for nikis new lenses.
Something to do with an incompatible ring....

sorry. i could keep going with this:)

look at the end of the day, as the joker said - why so serious?
Just enjoy them all. Relative to what we earn, they dont cost too much, thats the great thing about them :0
Admittedly Candis body doesn't come cheap though.

Warren Kawamoto
August 3rd, 2009, 08:58 PM
With today's technological advances, maybe in a couple months Nikki may be eligible for brain surgery that may correct her flaws. If she does get her brain surgery, wouldn't she be worth more than what she's worth right now?